La clinique a de la valeur !!
Sensitivity, % Specificity, %
Investigator Mammography Physical
examination Mammography Physical
Stomper et al 27* 61 (14/23) 65 (15/23) 59 (13/22) 23 (5/22)
Dershaw et al 28* 70 (7/10) 70 (7/10) 39 (7/18) 17 (3/18)
Canadian Task force CMJ 1999 ;161:1001-1008
Fowble et al 30† 50 (33/66) 29 (19/66) — —
Haffty et al 31† 74 (23/31) 74 (23/31) — —
Orel et al 32,33* 55 (21/38) 66 (25/38) 60 (12/20) 30 (6/20)
Hassell et al 34* 38 (9/24) 71 (17/24) 60 (15/25) 24 (6/25)
Ciatto et al 35* 59 (47/80) 75 (77/102) — —
* Studies examined biopsy specimens (benign and malignant) of women who had biopsy, mammography and
physical examination findings recorded in their chart.
† Studies examined the method of detection in women with recurrence.