410 | La Lettre du Cancérologue • Vol. XXI - n° 8 - octobre 2012
dans les cancers du sein Hormonothérapie des cancers du sein métastatiques : quelsprogrès ?
1. Johnston SR. Chairperson’s introduction: despite signi-
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2. Johnston SR. New strategies in estrogen receptor-positive
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6. Johnston SR. Endocrine manipulation in advanced breast
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7. Buzdar AU, Jonat W, Howell A et al. Anastrozole versus
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11. Nabholtz JM, Buzdar A, Pollak M et al. Anastrozole is
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14. Paridaens RJ, Dirix LY, Beex LV et al. Phase III study
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16. Robertson JF, Osborne CK, Howell A et al. Fulvestrant
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18. Robertson JF, Llombart-Cussac A, Rolski J et al. Activity
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19. Carlson RW, Allred DC, Anderson BO et al. Metastatic
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20. Chia S, Gradishar W, Mauriac L et al. Double-blind,
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21. Cheung KL, Agrawal A, Folkerd E et al. Suppression of
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22. Villarreal-Garza C, Cortes J, Andre F, Verma S. mTOR
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23. Bachelot T, Bourgier C, Cropet C et al. TAMRAD: a
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Références bibliographiques (suite de la p. 409)