Docteur K. Khalifé
Service de Cardiologie et Urgences
Hôpital ND de Bon-Secours
Centre Hospitalier Régional
METZ – France
L’Embolie Pulmonaire Grave
• Pulmonary embolism (PE) remains a frequent and serious disease, in
particular in patients with hemodynamic impairment, in the elderly or in
patients with severe underlying disease.
• Most of our knowledge about PE is derived from controlled clinical trials
including selected patients recruited in specialized centers, (40% of the
screened patients are randomized), as a result a favourable outcome.
• The in hospital mortality observed in registries (7.7%, 7%, 9%) is 4 to 5
times higher than the rates reported in the controlled trials.
• The 6 month mortality is 2 to 3 times higher in registries (14 to 24%) than in
trials (4% to 7%);
• The Mortality without treatment is 25 to 30%.
• The observation that one-third of patients in STEP and ICOPER registries
were receiving prophylaxis at the time of their PE suggests that prophylaxis
frequently failed.
• ESC New Guidelines 2008