DORON Julie, PhD (associate professor)
!julie.doron@insep.fr! +33 (0)1 41 74 45 49
French National Institute of Sport (INSEP)
Research Department
Laboratory Sport, Expertise and Performance” (EA 7370)
In charge of the Education Mission
Member of SFPS Managing Council (French Society of Sport Psychology)
Member of Scientific Committee of the 16th edition of the ACAPS International Congress (Association
of Researchers in Physical Activities and Sports) (2015)
PhD in Sport Sciences, specialty in psychology (Orsay, 2008)
MsC 2 Pratiques Physiques : Perspectives Psychologiques” (Orsay, 2005)
MsC 1 “Education et Motricité” (Orsay, 2004)
Bachelor degree “Education et Motricité” (Orsay, 2003)
Social Psychology, Performance Psychology, Sport Psychology, Applied Psychology
My previous works or the current ones examine the psychological processes involved in the
production of sport, academic or professional performance. Stress and coping processes are central
topics of my research activities. Coping is a multidimensional construct that represents the cognitive
and behavioral efforts, and conscious strategies that individuals use to deal with current or anticipated
negative, demanding or challenging events. The principal purpose of my research is to understand
how and why individuals adopt adaptive behaviors or not in achievement situations in sport, education
and work contexts. The questions guiding my research concern the identification of mechanisms
involved in the adoption of coping strategies, leading to or impeding the performance but also the
psychological and physical well-being. Based on the transactional model of stress and coping
(Lazarus & Folkman, 1984, Lazarus, 1999), my research therefore tries to identify individual and
situational factors underlying the coping strategies used in achievement situation. On the whole, my
work aims to further understand how coping strategies may contribute to the achievement of
performance situation, through the adoption of adaptive behaviors. My studies therefore focus on the
complex relationship between motivational processes and situational demands of the social
environment in predicting individual differences in the use of coping strategies in these contexts.
The identification of specific personal resources leading to or impeding the adoption of
adaptive coping strategies in achievement situation,
The identification of specific demands of achievement situations influencing or hindering
the adoption of adaptive coping strategies in such situations,
The relationship between coping strategies and performance, and psychological well-
being, physical health,
Mental skills’ profiles of elite athletes and their relationships with performance and well-
Development and evaluation of mental skills training program (e.g. goal-setting
intervention, mindfulness) for elite athletes
Keywords: stress, coping, performance, motivational processes, mental training program efficacy
Laboratory « Movement, Interactions, Performance » (EA 4334), Nantes (France), Marc Jubeau,
Yann Le Mansec, Sylvain Dorel, Antoine Nordez, Jérôme Bourbousson, Marina Bourbousson,
Hugo Vachon, & Véronique Thomas-Olivier
Centre de Recherche et d’Innovation sur le Sport (EA 647), Equipe Performance Motrice, Mentale
et du Matériel (P3M), Lyon (France), Guillaume Martinent
Laboratory Epsylon (EA 4556), Montpellier (France), Raphael Trouillet
Centre de recherches sur le sport et le mouvement - CeRSM (EA 2931), Nanterre (France), Julie
Laboratory ACP (EA 3350), UniversiParis Est Marne-la Vallée (France), Matthieu Delalandre
Laboratory LIRTES (EA 7313), Créteil (France), Marjorie Bernier, Alain Mouchet, Frédérique
Montandon, Emmanuelle Maître de Pembroke, Christiane Montandon, Bertrand Catherine (CHU
Créteil), & Christine Ammirati (CHU Amiens)
Methodology and data analyses group, Faculty of psychology and educational sciences, University
of Geneva, Julien Chanal
Laboratory for research on Achievement, Motivation, and the Regulation of Action (LAMRA),
Ottawa (Canada), Patrick Gaudreau
French Fencing Federation: Member of saber committee and french national team staff (since 2009),
expertise and research (since 2013)
French Badminton Federation: expertise and research, Pôle France INSEP et Pôles France Jeune
(since 2015)
French Basketball Federation: expertise and research, Centre Fédéral de BasketBall (CFBB - INSEP)
(since 2015)
French Football Federation: expertise and research, Pôle France Football Féminin INSEP (since
1. Doron, J. & Martinent, G. (in press). Trajectories of psychological states during the final
stages of international fencing matches. Journal of Sports Sciences. [ISI-IF 2014: 2.246]
2. Freund, E., Eloi, S., & Doron, J. (sous presse). Etats psychologiques et performance en judo :
une analyse intra-match. Staps (n° spécial - Congrès International SFPS 2014)
3. Doron, J., Trouillet, R., Maneveau, A., Neveu, D., & Ninot, G. (2015). Coping profiles,
perceived stress and health-related behaviors: a cluster analysis approach. Health Promotion
International, 30, 88-100. DOI:10.1093/heapro/dau090. [ISI-IF 2014: 1.989]
4. Doron, J., & Gaudreau, P. (2014). A Point by Point Analysis of Performance in a Fencing
Match: Psychological Processes Associated With Winning and Losing Streaks. Journal of
Sport and Exercise Psychology, 36, 3-13. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2013-0043. [ISI-
IF 2014: 2.185]
5. Doron, J., Trouillet, R., Gana, K., Boiché, J., Neveu, D., & Ninot, G. (2014). Examination of
the hierarchical structure of the Brief COPE: Empirical and theoretical convergences. Journal
of Personality Assessment, 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2014.886255. [ISI-IF 2014: 1.837]
6. Doron, J., Thomas-Ollivier, V., Vachon, H., & Fortes-Bourbousson. (2013) Relationships
between cognitive coping, self-esteem, anxiety and depression: A cluster-analysis approach.
Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 515-520. DOI:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2013.04.017. [ISI-IF 2014: 1.951]
7. Doron, J., Stephan, Y., & Le Scanff, C. (2013). Les stratégies de coping : Une revue de la
littérature dans les domaines du sport et de l’éducation / Coping strategies : A review of
literature in sport and academic contexts. European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue
Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 63, 303-313. DOI:
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.erap.2013.04.003. [ISI-IF 2014: 0.677]
8. Briki, W., Doron, J., Markman, K. D., Den Hartigh, R. J. R., & Gernigon, C. (2013). Differential
reactions of virtual actors and observers to the triggering and interruption of psychological
momentum. Motivation and Emotion, 38, 263-269. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-013-9372-3. [ISI-IF
2014: 1.744]
9. Neveu, D., Doron, J., Visier, L., Boiché, J., Trouillet, R., Dujols, P., & Ninot, G. (2012). Health
sciences programs associated with high perceived stress: implications for curricula. Revue
d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 60, 255-264. DOI :
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.respe.2012.01.008. [ISI-IF 2014: 0.592]
10. Riou, F., Boiché, J., Doron, J., Romain, A. J., Corrion, K., Ninot, G., d’Arripe-Longueville,
Gernigon, G. (2012). Development and Validation of the French Achievement Goal
Questionnaire for Sport and Exercise. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 28,
313-320. DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000112. [ISI-IF 2014: 1.973]
11. Doron, J., Stephan, Y., Maiano, C., & Le Scanff, C. (2011). Motivational predictors of coping
with academic examination. Journal of Social Psychology, 151(1), 87-104. [ISI-IF 2014: 0.981]
12. Doron, J., Stephan, Y., Boiché, J., & Le Scanff, C. (2009). Coping with examinations:
Exploring relationships between students’ coping strategies, implicit theories of ability, and
perceived control. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 79, 515-528. DOI :
10.1348/978185409X402580. [ISI-IF 2014: 2.000]
Doron, J., Campo, M., Louvet, B., & Martinent, G. (2014). Coping and emotion in sport: new
perspectives. Congrès International de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport. Nice, 12
au 14 Mai.
Doron, J., & Gaudreau, P. (2014). A point by point analysis of performance in a fencing
match: psychological processes associated with winning and losing streaks. Congrès
International de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport. Nice, 12 au 14 Mai.
Doron, J., Thomas!Ollivier,V., Vachon, H., & Fortes!Bourbousson, M. (2013). Relationships
between cognitive coping, self-esteem, anxiety and depression: A cluster-analysis approach.
Actes du XVème Congrès International de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités
Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS). Grenoble, 29 au 31 Octobre.
Vachon, H., Doron, J., Thomas!Ollivier,V., & Fortes!Bourbousson, M.(2012). The dynamics of
three-month bi-daily measures of global self-esteem functioning in bipolar disorder. Actes du
12ème International Review of Bipolar Disorders. Nice, 21-23 Mai.
Doron, J., Stephan, Y., Boiché, J., & Le Scanff, C. (2009). Faire face au stress des examens:
Influence des croyances relatives à la nature de l’habileté sur les stratégies de coping utilisées
par les étudiants. Actes du XIIIème Congrès International de l'Association des Chercheurs en
Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS). Lyon, 28 au 30 Octobre.
Boiché, J., Stephan, Y., & Doron, J. (2009). Les facteurs psychologiques de persistance et de
réussite académiques : Une étude prospective basée sur la Théorie de l’Autodétermination.
Actes du XIIIème Congrès International de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités
Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS). Lyon, 28 au 30 Octobre.
Doron, J., Stephan, Y., & Le Scanff, C. (2009). Demandes spécifiques intrasituationnelles et
stratégies de coping utilisées en situation de match chez des escrimeuses de haut-niveau.
Congrès International de la Société Française de Psychologie du Sport. Paris, 1 au 3 Juillet.
Doron, J., Stephan, Y., & Gernigon, C. (2009). Coping during competitive match: The impact
of the intra-situational demands regarding score gaps. The 12th ISSP world congress of sport
psychology. Marrakesh - June 17- 21, 2009.
Doron, J., Stephan, Y., & Le Scanff, C. (2007). Approche idiographique des stratégies de
coping : Une étude préliminaire chez des coureurs cyclistes. Actes du XIIème Congrès
International de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS)
Les sciences du mouvement autour du monde (p. 69). Leuven, Belgique, 31 octobre-2
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