soumise elle aussi à une courbe d’apprentissage, comme l’ensemble
de la chirurgie par cœlioscopie ou lomboscopie, nécessite un
apprentissage difficile même pour un service pratiquant régulière-
ment la chirurgie cœlioscopique. Mais les résultats de cette série
demeurent encourageants, avec l’expérience, la néphrectomie par-
tielle laparoscopique devrait devenir une technique fiable, notam-
ment pour les tumeurs rénales de localisation postérieure.
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ment of renal cell carcinoma. Curr. Oncol. Rep., 2003 ; 5 : 239-244.
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neal partial nephrectomy. J. Urol., 1994 ; 152 : 1539-1542.
9. RAMANI A.P. : Complications of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in 200
cases. J. Urol., 2005 ; 173 : 42-47.
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nephron sparing surgery for renal tumors. J. Urol., 2003 ; 169 : 2059-2062.
11. PRUTHI R.S., CHUN J., RICHMAN M. : The use of a fibrin tissue sealant
during laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. BJU Int., 2004 ; 93 : 813-817.
12. TERAI A. : Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy using microwave tissue
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experience. Urol. Clin. North Am., 2000 ; 27 : 721-736.
14. HAMASAKI T. : Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy using a microwave tis-
sue coagulator for treating small peripheral renal tumors. J. Nippon Med.
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15. YOSHIMURA K. : Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy with a microwave tis-
sue coagulator for small renal tumor. J. Urol., 2001 ; 165 : 1893-1896.
16. GILL I.S. : Comparative analysis of laparoscopic versus open partial
nephrectomy for renal tumors in 200 patients. J. Urol., 2003 ; 170 : 64-68.
17. SUTHERLAND S.E. : Does the size of the surgical margin in partial
nephrectomy for renal cell cancer really matter ? J. Urol., 2002 ; 167 : 61-
18. CAMPBELL S.C. : Complications of nephron sparing surgery for renal
tumors. J. Urol., 1994 ; 151 : 1177-1180.
19. UZZO R.G., NOVICK A.C. : Nephron sparing surgery for renal tumors :
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conservatrice pour cancer rénal unifocal. Prog. Urol., 2003 ; 13 : 14-22.
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22. STEINBACH F. : Conservative surgery of renal cell tumors in 140 patients:
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23. GILL I.S. : Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for renal tumor : duplicating
open surgical techniques. J. Urol., 2002 ; 167 : 469-475.
24. WILLE A.H. : Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in renal cell cancer--results
and reproducibility by different surgeons in a high volume laparoscopic cen-
ter. Eur. Urol., 2006 ; 49 : 337-342.
Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy: a series of 17 cases.
Objective:The objective of this study was to evaluate the Feasibility,
the morbidity and the carcinologic results of laparoscopic partial
Material and Methods:Between August 2001 and December 2005, 17
partial nephrectomies were performed by laparoscopy in patients with
amean age of 59.2 years. Postoperative complications, the conversion
rate, operating time, arterial clamping time, length of hospital stay and
oncological results were studied for each patient.
Results:The mean operating time was 190 min, the mean arterial clam-
ping time was 30 min and the mean hospital stay was 6.3 days. There
were 2 complications including one postoperative haematoma requi-
ring surgical revision for drainage and repositioning of a stent for urine
leak. Two conversions had to be performed early in our experience. A
tumour recurrence 2 years after the initial operation was treated by
total nephrectomy.
Conclusion:Our results in terms of morbidity are similar to those
reported for open surgery, but the recurrence rate appears to be sligh-
tly higher than that observed with open partial nephrectomy. Laparos-
copic partial nephrectomy remains a difficult operation requiring a
learning curve even for a department that regularly performs laparos-
copic surgery.
Key-Words: Partial nephrectomy, retroperitoneal laparoscopy, tumour,
cancer, kidney.
M.X. Plainard et coll., Progrès en Urologie (2006), 16, 546-549