Comment former une question ? (How to make a question?)
En inversant le sujet et le verbe auxiliaire. (Invert the order of the subject and the auxiliary
It is raining. => Is it raining?
You have seen that documentary about volunteering.
=> Have you seen that documentary about volunteering ?
She is coming to the work camp next summer. => Is she coming to the work camp?
He can speak English. => Can he speak English?
He has learnt English for seven years => Has he learnt English for seven years ?
She will arrive at ten o'clock. => Will she arrive at ten o'clock?
He was helping in an organization. => Was he helping in an organization?
S'il n'y a pas d'auxiliaire, on emploie le verbe "do" comme auxiliaire (if there is no auxiliary,
use the verb ' do' as an auxiliary).
You speak good English. = Do you speak good English?
She lives in New York. = Does she live in New York?
They volunteered in Zimbabwe. = Did they volunteer in Zimbabwe?
He met his best friend during a humanitarian trip. = Did he meet his best friend during
a humanitarian trip?
Les mots interrogatifs en WH (Question words beginning with WH?)
Who = Qui
Where = Où ?
When = Quand ?
What = Quoi, que ?
Which = Quel, quelle ?
Why = Pourquoi ?
How = Comment ?
Whose = A qui ?
On place le mot interrogatif au début de la phrase (Use the question word at the beginning of
the sentence).
When is the next train ?
Why don't you come to the cinema with us?
Where do you study?
What did you eat for dinner yesterday?
Where did you go?
How many pens did you buy?
What time did you go?
Which colour do you prefer?
Whose hat is it?