Français 2-Leçons 17-18 /45 pts
Projet-Pic Collage
Des conseils
You will use the app Pic Collage to create a recommendation poster
for the French exchange students who are visiting in April. You will
give them suggestions for:
• 5 activities to do (or not do) while visiting the Tampa area.
• 2 suggestions to stay healthy during the visit.
• at least 3 images that relate to your suggestions. Cite your photo
! Be mindful of the register. If you start with “tu”, continue with “tu”, or if you start
with “vous”, continue with “vous”.
! Email me the poster when completed.
Vocabulaire utile:
- Il faut ( + l’infinitif ) / Il ne faut pas ( + l’infinitif )
- Je pense que ( + sujet + verbe)
- Je trouve que… ( + sujet + verbe)
- Je crois que… ( + sujet + verbe)
- L’impératif: Sois (Soyez) / Fais (Faites) / Va (Allez)
/ 45 pts
Background and/or design
is poor, due to a lack of
effort or time management.
2 – 1- 0