Idea and format borrowed from Denise Collado (Web de AP)
Le Verbe du Jour
French 2/PAP French 2
2nd Six Weeks (October 7 – November 15, 2013)
The following list has a new verb scheduled for every day of the six weeks. Each day, you will work
through that verb as one of the ending activities for class. If you are absent, you will work through that
day’s verb for homework. Each week you should be prepared to turn in your completed verbs for a
daily grade. Every other week, I will select one verb from the previous week for a quiz. ***Note: It is
not in your best interest to copy a verb from 501 French Verbs or any other source, although you are
certainly encouraged to do your work and then check it. If you need help from me, come see me
before/after school. Remember: If you know you will not be in class, please see my website for the
verb you missed.
The number codes stand for the subject pronoun to use:
(1) = je (2) = tu (3) = il/elle (4) = nous (5) = vous (6) = ils/elles
Codes in CAPITALS (# 6, 15-19) will NOT necessarily be in the form numbered above:
1. Présent (R18-19, C7,8, 9, 24, 25) 9. Subjunctif
2. Passé composé (p. 110, C30-31) 10. SubjunctifPassé
3. Imparfait 11. POSITIVE TU COMMAND + pronoun
4. Futur 12. NEGATIVE TU COMMAND + pronoun
5. Conditionnel 13. POSITIVE VOUS COMMAND
7. Plus-que-parfait 15. PRESENT PARTICIPLE
8. Conditionnel Passé