Le verbe être au singulier

Le verbe être au
The verb ‘to be’
Les normes:
Communication 1.2
Comparisons 4.1
• Les questions essentielles:
• What does the verb “être”
• What does it mean to
“conjugate” a verb?
• How is the verb “être”
conjugated in French?
Conjugating a verb:
• To change a verb to agree, or
‘go with’ the subject
• Is done in English
• ‘To be’ is an irregular verb in
To Be – Conjugated!
• I am
• You are
• He is
• She is
Être! – Conjugated:
Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Elle est
Pierre est
Sophie est
Le livre est
I am
You are
He is
She is
Pierre is
Sophie is
The book is