Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Degree Programme in International Business
VUONG, HA PHUONG Practical marketing plan for a hair beauty
Case: Studio-K hair salon in Vietnam
Bachelor’s Thesis in International Business 81 pages, 2 pages of appendices
Autumn 2014
Beauty has been seen as a significant element in life among other ultimate values
like goodness, truth, and justice. Hence it is a universal desire of people to take
good care of their beauty and appearance in any occasion. Consequently, it creates
huge opportunities for entrepreneurs within the beauty industry all over the world.
In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, the beauty-care service industry is one of the most
flourishing industries with the growing number of beauty-conscious women.
There is a wide range of beauty care services like skin care, color cosmetics,
fragrances. Hair care is also one of them.
This thesis aims at analyzing the hairdressing market in Ho Chi Minh and the
marketing process to make a practical marketing plan for the case company. Since
the case company is in its first year of business as a startup company; a
comprehensive marketing plan is necessary to ensure profitability and success.
In this study, the author applies deductive approach with qualitative research
method. Data is collected from a variety of sources such as published texts in the
theoretical part; the Internet, interviews, the author’s own observations and other
unpublished sources in the empirical section.
The research structure is divided into two parts: the theoretical framework and the
empirical findings. In brief, the theoretical framework contains theories about
market analysis, customer segmentation, marketing plan and marketing mix. In
the empirical section, the author begins with the overview of the targeted hair
beauty market followed with the case company analysis. Correspondingly, a
marketing plan is generated to help the company to attain its overall strategic
objectives. Moreover, the author puts a major concentration on the marketing mix,
the set of tactical marketing tools to establish a strong positioning of the case
company in the market. The plan is based on the theory that has been presented in
the theoretical framework.
The hair dressing business is seen as a start up idea for the entrepreneur in terms
of financial risks because even in economic downturns, people still have to get
their hair done. With this concentrated marketing plan, the case company is
expected to enhance its visibility and gain profit in the first year of a start-up