If you shower regularly, you should not wash or wet your scalp (including excessive sweating)
four days after each appointment.
Each treatment usually lasts 1.5 to 2 hours.
The number of treatments is 3 with an optional 4th session if required, each spaced out over 1 to
2 weeks. 3 to 4 treatments are advised for long-term retention, even if it applies only to a small
area such as the beak of a widow.
Treatment is scheduled every few weeks.
During the 1 or 2 weeks between treatments, it is advisable not to swim, use the steam room or
sauna, or take a hot shower to cause a steam.
Do not expose your scalp to the sun for the first four days (you can wear a hat). On the 5th day
after the treatment, the skin can be exposed to the sun for 1 hour, or 45 minutes for very fair skin.
However, keep in mind that less exposure to sunlight in improves long-term retention of the
scalp micropigmentation.
After the final treatment, the following are recommeded:
• Avoid swimming, saunas, and steam rooms for 28 days after the final treatment.
• Avoid sunlight for 28 days after treatment. Then wear SPF 30-50 sunscreen on your scalp
if going outdoors.
• Avoid strenuous exercise for five days after the final treatment.
Looking for SMP micropigmentation, permanent makeup or microblading? Why not give us a
call for a free consultation at 647-492-5022 or book online at