IWF 2009 – General Public Program (20-25 october 2009)
Comment élabore-t-on une prévision météo?
With the participation of Météo-France, the public has discovered how a forecast is made,
then how it is "decrypted" to allow its use on a map.
Studio École de France et Studec TV
Présentez votre bulletin météo comme à la radio ou comme à télé
With the help of professional weather presenters, everyone was able to practice presenting
their own weather report in the TV studio or radio studio.
Quiz "La ville face aux changements climatiques"
A facilitator guided the public in the use of electronic control this quiz with 20 questions.
Des satellites au secours de la Terre
The workshop helped to observe and study two current issues: fire and pollution. To
understand these phenomena, the visitors had at their disposal roadmaps, satellite images
and maps.
Puzzle "La pollution dans le monde"
Our planet is becoming more polluted. But will you give each country the right level of
pollution? This was the riddle of the puzzle "The pollution in the world" which also allowed to
test their geographic knowledge.
JASON et la montée des eaux qui menace les villes du littoral
By 30 years, 6 billion people inhabit the coast and a large part will be threatened by rising
sea levels! Everyone was able to discover why a satellite as JASON 2 is necessary to
accurately determine the elevation of the sea level and evaluate the long-term consequences
for the environment and people.
CALIPSO et la pollution urbaine par les particules
The atmosphere is one of the components of the climate system. It accounts for half of the
heat balance of the planet seems to be misaligned. The causes? Greenhouse gas
emissions, but also the impact of aerosols and clouds. In town, the road traffic, industrial
activities plus district heating in winter, generate significant aerosols that affect cloud cover
and are monitored and studied by satellites such as CALIPSO, PARASOL volume. This
workshop provided a better understanding of how the atmosphere in the climate system, the
role of aerosols and clouds and see the satellite tracking.
Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers du CNRS
Quel climat pour demain ?
The greenhouse effect created by human activities certainly disrupt the climate, but the
magnitude of future climate change depend on future emissions.
INSU proposed to discuss and participate in fun experiences with researchers studying the
behavior of the atmosphere to estimate the magnitude of current developments and predict
future ones.
Experiences: the thermohaline circulation, the formation of clouds, the Coriolis force
(deviation of winds and currents as a result of the Earth itself), the blue sky and white clouds.