Devoir19F2 le 06 oct - French Classes at Kamiak

Devoir 19 Français 2 D’Accord
1. Traduisez en français en utilisant un verbe -er.
6. I hope that she isn’t going with us.
7. They (m) are dreaming about the vacation.
8. I’m cleaning the floor (le plancher).
9. She’s watching over (babysitting) these children.
10. You (informal) try to remain (stay) calm.
1. She carries the dog because he is sick.
2. We’re visitng Montréal in summer.
3. You (informal) spend all day reading.
4. At what time do you (informal) return home?
5. He doesn’t lead her; she leads him.
II. Utilisez être ou avoir à l’imparfait avec le suivant.
1. They (f) had brown hair and brown eyes. They were cute, but not very smart.
2. You (informal) had gray hair and green eyes. You were short and rather chubby.
3. I was of medium height. I had blond hair and blue eyes. I was slender and humble.
IV. Les verbes -ir. Utilisez un verbe ir au présent.
III. Utilisez être à l’imparfait.
1. He was annoying.
2. The cat was crazy.
3. The fish was boring.
4. She was bald.
5. They (m) were jealous.
6. You (informal - f) were the youngest.
7. They (f) were pretty.
8. You (plural) were blind.
1. I’m finishing this book.
2. You (informal) are obeying the teacher.
3. She’s establishing des règles.
4. French enriches nos vies.
5. He is losing weight.
6. We’re applauding the play.
7. They (f) are gaining weight.
8. I never disobey the teacher.
9. He doesn’t choose to go (d’aller).
10. Why don’t you (formal) choose me?