Accident Translation - Languages Resources

I was a witness to an accident!
It was a nice day in Autumn. It was sunny, but it also quite cold.
I was in a shop, where I was buying a baguette and some
strawberry jam. Suddenly I heard a shout. The traffic lights had
changed from red to green and a young boy on a bicycle was
starting to cross the junction. Then I saw a blue car, which was
going too fast.
He realised too late that the traffic lights were on red. He braked
sharply and skidded.
He tried to avoid the bike but without
success. The car collided with the bike and the boy fell off. The
bike was crushed and the left headlamp of the car was broken.
The driver was very shocked but fortunately the boy was not
seriously injured.
N’oubliez pas:
 Utilisez l’imparfait pour décrire le temps:
il faisait chaud
il y avait des nuages
 “qui” veut dire “who” et “which”
 “se rendre compte” veut dire “to realise” = Faites
attention car c’est un verbe irrégulier et réfléchi! Dans le
passé composé ce sera assez compliqué!
 “que” veut dire “that”
 négation: “ne” avant le verbe et “pas” après