Devoir 17 Français 2 D`Accord I. Traduisez en utilisant pouvoir

Devoir 17 Français 2 D’Accord
I. Traduisez en utilisant pouvoir, vouloir, ou devoir.
1. I must not cross the street.
2. They (m) want to understand her.
3. You (informal) can speak Japonese.
4. We want to go to a party this weekend.
5. They have to listen to me!
6. We have to leave school around 3PM (24 hour clock).
7. When does he want to speak to the teacher?
8. How often can you (formal) help me?
9. She must do the homework now.
10. They (m) can’t succeed.
II. Utilisez être à l’imparfait avec le suivant.
4. They (f) were lazy.
1. She was tired.
I was cowardly.
2. They (m) were deaf.
were of average weight.
3. He was handsome.
7. You (plural) were courageous.
8. They (m) were old.
9. You (informal) were blind.
III. Utilisez être et avoir à l’imparfait.
1. She was short and slender. She had blond hair and green eyes.
2. They (m) were tall and fat. They had brown hair and hazel eyes.
3. You (informal) were thin and of medium height. You had black hair and brown eyes.
IV. Utilisez un verbe -re ou -ir avec le suivant.
1. She’s passing the French test.
2. We’re getting off du bus.
3. They (m) are taking le train.
4. You (informal) are disobeying the teacher.
5. He’s selling the house.
6. We’re applauding her.
7. They (m) are handing back des papiers.
8. I’m blushing because I hate to make des erreurs.
9. Why are you (formal) punishing me?
10. I’m waiting for the student.