IV – Complète le texte sur cette célébrité en plaçant le verbe « be » ou
« have got » conjugués:
I am a famous actress. My first name is Keira and my surname is Knightley. I am
26 years old. I was born in England, in the city of Teddington. I am tall and very
I have short blond hair and a rather small nose. I have brown eyes. I am not
married. I started my career in the film “A Village Affair” in 1994 and became
famous with “Pirates of the Caribbeans”.
V – Voici les goûts de Keira Knightley, rédige un court paragraphe pour
résumer ce qu’elle aime et ce qu’elle n’aime pas – n’oublie pas d’utiliser
plusieurs expressions de goût différentes :
→ First, she enjoys playing football and she loves Johnny Depp. She likes
tomatoes too.
→ Then, she hates watching TV and she doesn’t like horror movies. She
detests spinach.