ENGLISH VOCABULARY/ test assimilé 7VSG Name:
English in Mind, Units 1-3 Date:
Objectifs: - je connais le verbe être
- je connais le vocabulaire et sais l’utiliser
Evaluation: .......... / .............. pts Note :
I. Verb to be: complete the blanks with the correct form of the verb or with the pronoun !
1. The flag ............... Japanese.
2. (en parlant de Nicole Kidman) ................ ............... from Australia ? Yes, .................. ............... .
3. My best friend ..................... (negative form) a good singer, he .................... a bad singer!
4. ..................... Mr Carrard and Mrs Streuli teachers in Moudon ? Yes, ................... ..................
5. - I ................ the best!! - No, you ........................ : I .............. the winner !!
6. My brothers .................... 17 and 15 years old.
7. .................... .......................... a cheap restaurant ? I don't know!
8. My parents and I ....................... from Brazil, .................... ..................... Brazilian.
- Who ....................... you ?
- I ....................... John Pitt.
- ....................... you an actor ?
- No, I.......................
- What ....................... your sister’s job?
- She ....................... (negative form) a tennis player, she ....................... a model.
II. Insert the correct interrogative word.
1. _____________________ teachers are there at school ? – 63.
2. _____________________ are you ? – I am a student in the 7th class.
3. _____________________ are you ? – I am 14 years old.
4. _____________________ is Lucens ? – It’s near Moudon.
5. _____________________ is she ? – she’s my mother.