1) Cultural references and necessary background to have a better grasp of the
theme under study :
- In Anquity, we can find such advertisements as frescoes touting a politician or announcing
gladiators. A poster found in Thebes and dating back to 1000 BC is widely regarded as one of
the first mass-produced commercials, it offered a gold coin to anyone who would capture a
runaway slave
-Modern advertising really began in the 1880s, when new methods of manufacturing led to
greatly increased output and decreased costs for the producers of consumer goods.
-In the 1950s the television was born. The tv was widely commercialized in the United States.
American advertisers spent more time broadcasting commercials to more market segments
(including children) than anywhere else in the world. Through television, advertisers could
demonstrate the use of their products and present well-known figures to praise them. As had
been the case with the radio, the companies that first exploited the commercial potential of
television reaped lavish rewards.
-The glory years of advertising (1950-1990) driven by the economic growth of postwar boom,
advertising knows a strong quantitative and qualitative development.
Different forms of advertising :
Print Advertising - Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Fliers / Billboards, Kiosks, Trade-
shows and Events / Radio Advertising / Television Advertising / Online Advertising
2) Key ideas or expressions (main issues, essential ideas revolving around the Unit,
or anything else which seems interesting to you (grammar, translation...):
Comparaison (revisions Units precedentes)
adjectifs longs (de trois syllable ou plus) : more … than / more … less = he's more/less attractive than
you are
adjectifs courts (d'une ou deux syllables terminés par ER, Y, OW, LE, LY) : -er than … = it's bigger than
I thought
as … as / not … as = she's not as fat as she used to be = elle n'est pas aussi grosse qu'avant
de plus en plus
adjectifs longs : she was getting more and more nervous
adjectifs courts : it's bigger and bigger = c'est de plus en plus gros
adjectifs longs : The most = he's the most attractive man I have ever seen
the least = it's the least interesting of all
adjectifs courts : The … -est = it's the biggest present I have ever seen
y > ier = happy = it's the happier girl I know
good > better > the best / bad > worse > the worse / far > further > the furthest / old > elder > the eldest
Cas : “The practice is neither new nor isolated” = la pratique n’est ni nouvelle ni isolé
Enoncés exclamatifs : what, how, such and so
Lorsque l’exclamation porte sur un nom (précédé ou non d’un abjectif), on utilise what ou such = What a
lovely girl ! She’s such a lovely girl ! C’est une si jolie fille !
Remarque : n'oubliez pas l'article 'a' (devant une consonne) ou 'an' (devant une voyelle) lorsque
l'exclamation porte sur un nom dénombrable singulier ( girl, day, car...). Il n'y aura pas d'article devant
un nom dénombrable pluriel (shoes, cars, days...) ou un nom indénombrable (hair, milk, luggage...) She