Bibliographies : AN00802V
Parcours (1) : attention, le contenu du cours et sa bibliographie sont différents selon que
vous êtes inscrit-e en contrôle continu ou en examen terminal
Cours en contrôle continu uniquement: « Producing American Literature », Michael
Winship (University of Texas at Austin)
Oeuvres au programme:
Joel Barlow, “The Hasty-Pudding” (1796)
Nathaniel Hawthorne, “The Minister’s Black Veil” (1836)
Frederick Douglass, The Narrative of Frederick Douglass (1845)
Mark Twain, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, The Yellow Wall-Paper (1899)
Secondary readings will also be assigned as the basis for student oral class presentations.
Note: All readings in the course will be made available to students in digital form.
Examen terminal uniquement, Enseignement accessible au SED uniquement: « Fiction
et affaires criminelles: regards croisés stylistique/linguistique », Aurélie Guillain
(stylistique) et Henri Le Prieult (linguistique)
Oeuvres au programme:
1. Braddon, Mary-Elizabeth. [1861-62] Lady Audley's Secret. [1861-1862] Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1998.
2. Hammett, Dashiell. Red Harvest. [1929] London: Orion Books, 1956.
3. Carter, Angela. "Lizzie's Tiger" and "The Fall River Axe Murders" in Carter, A.
Saints and Strangers [1986] New York, Viking, 1986.
NB: Un glossaire de stylistique sera disponible sur Iris
Bibliographie stylistique :
SALBAYRE, Sébastien & Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud. L'analyse stylistique. Textes Littéraires
de langue anglaise. Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2006.
SUHAMY, Henry. Stylistique anglaise. Paris: PUF, 1994.
Bibliographie linguistique:
BOUSCAREN J., et al. Introduction of a Linguistic Grammar of English. An Utterer-
centered Approach. Paris : Ophrys, 1992.
BURTON Roberts, N. Analysing Sentences. Longman, 2011.
HUDDELSTON R. and G. K. Pullum. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language.
C.P.U., 2002.
HUDDELSTON R. and G. K. Pullum. A Student's Introduction to English Grammar.
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
LAPAIRE, J. R. et Rotgé, W. Linguistique et grammaire de l’anglais. Toulouse : Presses Uni-
versitaires du Mirail, 1991.
LAPAIRE W. Rotgé. Réussir le commentaire grammatical de textes. Ellipses, 1992.
LARREYA, Paul et Claude Rivière. Grammaire explicative de l'anglais. 3ème éd. Paris : Pea-
son, 2005.
QUIRK, Randolph, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech & Jan Svartvik. A Comprehensive
Grammar of the English Language. London: Longman, 1985.
Programme (2)
Programme (2) Bibliographie Partie A
Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the
Formation of American Culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996.
Harding, Wendy. The Myth of Emptiness and the New American Literature of Place. Iowa
City: University of Iowa Press, 2014.
Murphy, Patrick. Ecocritical explorations in literary and cultural studies : fences,
boundaries, and fields. Lanham : Lexington Books, 2009.
Programme (2) Bibliographie Partie B
Faqir, Fadia. Pillars of Salt. London : Quartet Books, 1996.
Gibeily, Carl. Blueprint for a Prophet. London : Doubleday, 1997.
Mahjoub, Jamal. In the Hour of Signs. London : Heinemann, 1996.
---, Nubian Indigo. (2005) KINDLE
Soueif, Ahdaf. The Map of Love. London : Bloomsbury, 1999.
Zahran, Yasmin. A Beggar at Damascus Gate. Sausalito: The Post–Apollo Press, 1995
3) Formes et figures de l’écriture satirique, XVI e
-XX e
Programme (3), Bibliographie Partie A: « La satire comme force de critique politique
dans la comédie érotique », Nathalie Rivère de Carles.
Shakespeare, William. The Norton Shakespeare 3rd Edition, Stephen Greenblatt, Jean
Howard, Katharine Eismann Maus, Susan Gossett, Gordong McMullan (eds), NY: WW.
Norton, 2015. (
Shakespeare, William, Complete Plays in Ben and David Crystal’s Shakespeare’s Words, (online edition with vocabulary)
Quintero, Ruben, A Companion to Satire: Ancient and Modern, Oxford: Blackwells Wiley,
The Cambridge companion to Shakespearean comedy, (ed) Alexander Leggatt, Cambridge
University Press, 2002 (CRL)
The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare, (eds) Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells,
Cambridge University Press, 2001 (BUC): particularly chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 & 14
Bednarz, James P, Shakespeare and the Poets’ War, NY: Columbia University Press, 2013.
Bevington, David, ‘Shakespeare v. Jonson on Satire’, Proceedings of the World Shakespeare
Congress, Clifford Leech (ed.), 1972.
Boose, Lynda E. “The 1599 Bishops’ Ban, Elizabethan Pornography, and the Sexualization of
the Jacobean Stage.” In Enclosure Acts: Sexuality, Property and Culture in Early Modern
England. Edited by Richard Burt and John Michael Archer, 185-200. Ithaca, New York:
Cornell University Press, 1994.
Campbell, Oscar James, Shakespeare’s Satire, London: Gordian, 1943
Foakes, R.A., The Dark Comedies to the Lost Plays from Satire to Celebration, Routledge,
Highet, Gilbert, Anatomy of Satire, Princeton University Press, 2015.
Kinney, Arthur. Humanist Poetics: Thought, Rhetoric, and Fiction in Sixteenth-Century
England. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1986.
Pierce, Helen, Unseemly Pictures: Graphic Satire and Politics in Early Modern England,
Yale University Press, 2008.
Roston, Murray, Tradition and Subversion in Renaissance Literature: Studies in Shakespeare,
Spenser, Jonson, and Donne, Duquesne University Press, 2007
Watson, Jackie, ‘Satirical Expectations: Shakespeare’s Inns of Court Audiences’, Revue de la
Société Française Shakespeare (2015)
Yearling, Rebecca, ‘Dramatic Satire and the Crisis of Authority,’ Ben Jonson, John Marston
and Early Modern Drama: Satire and the Audience, Springer 2016, p. 42-66.
Programme (3), Bibliographie Partie B: « Le renouvellement de la satire dans le roman
britannique contemporain : What a Carve up! de Jonathan Coe », Laurent Mellet.
Bentley, Nick, Contemporary British Fiction, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
Bradford, Richard, The Novel Now Contemporary British Fiction, Malden : Blackwell,
Chauvin, Serge, « Le mystère du vase fêlé. Jonathan Coe, Martin Amis : retours sur un lieu
clos », in La Licorne 44, « Formes policières du roman contemporain », 1998, 143-148.
Coe, Jonathan, What a Carve up! (1994), London : Penguin, 2014.
—, The Rotters’ Club (2001), London : Penguin, 2008.
—, The Closed Circle (2004), London : Penguin, 2008.
—, Marginal Notes, Doubtful Statements, Penguin, publication électronique, 2013.
—, Number 11 or Tales that Witness Madness, London : Penguin, 2015.
Dix, Hywel, Postmodern Fiction and the Break-Up of Britain, Londres et New York :
Continuum, 2010.
Eagleton, Terry, « Theydunnit », in London Review of Books, Vol. 16, N° 8, 28 Avril 1994,
Gasiorek, Andrzej, Post-War British Fiction Realism and After, Londres : Edward
Arnold, 1995.
Gonzalez, Madalena, et Marie-Odile Pittin-Hédon, éds., Generic Instability and Identity in
the Contemporary Novel, Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
Greaney, Michael, Contemporary Fiction and the Uses of Theory The Novel from
Structuralism to Postmodernism, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.
Guignery, Vanessa, « Transfiguration des genres littéraires dans la littérature britannique
contemporaine », in Monique Chassagnol, et Guy Laprevotte, éds., Les Littératures de genre,
Nanterre : Université Paris X – Nanterre, 2002, 35-66.
—, « ‘Colonel Mustard, in the billiard room, with the revolver’: Jonathan Coe’s What a
Carve up! as a postmodern whodunit », in Études anglaises 64:4, « L’Héritage du policier :
continuités et ruptures dans la fiction contemporaine anglophone », octobre-décembre 2011,
Guilhamet, Leon. Satire and the Transformation of Genre. Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1987.
Higgins, Michael, Clarissa Smith, et John Storey, éds., The Cambridge Companion to
Modern British Culture, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Hutcheon, Linda, Narcissistic Narrative – The Metafictional Paradox (1980), New York et
Londres : Methuen, 1984.
—, « Ironie, satire, parodie Une approche pragmatique de l’ironie », in Poétique, 46,
1981, 140-155.
—, A Poetics of Postmodernism History, Theory, Fiction, New York et Londres :
Routledge, 1988.
—, The Politics of Postmodernism, New York et Londres : Routledge, 1989.
Mellet, Laurent, Jonathan Coe. Les politiques de l’intime, Paris : PUPS, 2015.
Mullan, John, « What a Carve up! by Jonathan Coe Week two: coincidences », in The
Guardian, 9 avril 2011 (
« Jonathan Coe meets the Guardian book club podcast », in The Guardian, 13 avril
2011 (
Patterson, Annabel M.. Censorship and Interpretation: The Conditions of Writing and
Reading in Early Modern England (Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press,
Tew, Philip, et Rod Mengham, éds., British Fiction Today, Londres et New York :
Continuum, 2006.
Tew, Philip, The Contemporary British Novel, Londres et New York : Continuum, 2007.
Trimm, Ryan, « Carving up value: The tragicomic Thatcher years in Jonathan Coe », in
Louisa Hadley, et Elizabeth Ho, éds., Thatcher and after Margaret Thatcher and her
Afterlife in Contemporary Culture, Basingstoke et New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010,
Waugh, Patricia, Metafiction The Theory and Practice of Self-Conscious Fiction,
Londres et New York : Methuen, 1984.
Programme (4) La réconciliation dans le monde post-colonial : les cas de la Jamaïque et
de l'Afrique du Sud (E. Doumerc – M. Rogez)
Programme (4), Bibliographie Partie A: « La réconciliation et la Jamaïque », Eric
Augier, F.R, S.C.Gordon, D.G.Hall and M.Reckford. The Making of the West Indies.
Longmann Caribbean, 1993.
Bilby, Kenneth and Peter Manuel. Caribbean Currents: Caribbean Music from Rumba to
Reggae. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995.
Campbell, Horace. Rasta and Resistance: from Marcus Garvey to Walter Rodney. London:
Hansib, 1985.
Constant; Denis. Aux sources du reggae. Roquevaire : Editions Parenthèses, 1982.
Cooper, Carolyn. Noises in the Blood: Orality, Gender and the “Vulgar” Body of
Jamaican Popular Culture. London: Macmillan Caribbean, 1993.
Davis, Stephen and Peter Simon. Reggae Bloodlines : In Search of the Music and Culture
of Jamaica. 1977. New York : Da Capo Press, 1992.
---. Reggae International. Londres : Thames and Hudson, 1983.
Hart, Richard. From Occupation to Independence- A Short History of the Peoples of the
English-speaking Caribbean Region. London: Pluto Press, 1998.
Henke, Holman. Between Self-Determination and Dependency. Jamaica’s foreign
relations, 1972-1981. Kingston: UWI Press, 2000.
Knight, Franklin. The Caribbean: the Genesis of a Fragmented Nationalism.Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1990.
Lewis, Gordon K. The Growth of the Modern West Indies. London: Mc Gibbon and Kee,
----------------------. Main Currents in Caribbean Thought: The Historical Evolution of
Caribbean Society in its Ideological Aspects 1492.1900. London: John Hopkins University
Press, 1983.
Lowenthal, David. West Indian Societies. Oxford University Press, 1972.
Mintz, Sydney and Sally Price. Caribbean Contours. Baltimore: John Hopkins University
Press, 1985.
Parry, J.H, P.M. Sherlock and A. Maingot. A Short History of the West Indies. Macmillan,
Williams, Eric. From Columbus to Castro: the History of the Caribbean, 1492-1969.
London André Deutsch, 1969.
Programme (4), Bibliographie Partie B:« Représenter l’irreprésentable : la
réconciliation dans la littérature sud-africaine », Mathilde Rogez.
Un certains nombres de textes seront distribués et/ou mis en ligne sur l’ENT. Consultez
l’ENT avant le cours.
Sources primaires : (*ouvrages à lire de manière obligatoire)
*Coetzee, J.M., Disgrace, London: Vintage, 2000 (1999).
Dangor, Achmat, Bitter Fruit, Cape Town: Kwela Books, 2001.
Farber, Yael, Theatre as witness, London: Oberon Books, 2008.
Higginson, Craig, Dream of the Dog, London: Oberon Books, 2010.
Homann, Greg, At This Stage: Plays from Post-Apartheid South Africa, Johannesburg:
Wits University Press, 2009.
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