global economic history - Portail du Collège universitaire

Collège universitaire de Sciences Po
Etudes ibériques et latino-américaines,
Campus de Poitiers
Philippe NOREL
Enseignement d’ouverture
Semestre Printemps 2009-2010
Introduction: from contemporary globalisation to long run global economic processes
I - Global economy and the genesis of capitalism
1. « World-systems » theory: from Wallerstein to Frank
2. Historical world-systems, Diasporas and hegemons up to 1350
3. Markets and political powers: “embeddedness" according to Polanyi
4. The medieval revolution and the emergence of factor markets (England, China)
5. Main theories of « capitalism »: Braudel, Baechler, Weber and Marx
6. The long 15
century: feudal crisis, state power assertion and the first western expansion
II – From the modern world-system to globalisation
7. The golden century: when Europe « buys itself a third class ticket in the Asian train »…
8. Mercantilism and the building of Nation-States economic strategies
9. The international acceleration of the industrial adventure (1780-1860)
10. Convergence and the first globalisation (1860-1914)
11. From the first globalisation to Fordism.
12. The second globalisation.
Texts to be studied between the lectures and presented by one or
two students every week :
1 - « Les divisions de l’espace et du temps en Europe », in Braudel, 1979, pp. 12-55.
2 - « The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African World-systems before the Sixteenth Century
», Beaujard, 2005, pp. 411-465.
3 - « Sociétés et systèmes économiques » et « L’évolution du modèle de marché », in Polanyi,
1983, pp. 71-101.
4 - « Le matin du monde européen », in Norel, 2004, chap. 3, pp. 136-166.
5 - « Qu’est-ce que le capitalisme ? », in Baechler, 1971, pp. 51-102.
6 - « Introduction » and « The rise of the modern state », in Schwartz, 1994, pp. 1-42.
7 - « The New European Division of Labour », in Wallerstein, 1974, volume 1, pp. 67-129 (2
8 - « L’économie mercantiliste : le 17
siècle », in Brasseul, 1997, pp. 150-172.
9 - « De la recherche des origines » in Verley, 1997, pp. 43-67.
10 - « Were Heckscher and Ohlin right ? » in O’Rourke and Williamson, 2000, pp. 57-75.
11 - « Tariffs, trade policy and the collapse of the international trade », in James, 2001, pp.
101-167 (2 lectures).
A 10 pages report is to be written by each student on one of the
following books or on a given topic.
DUBY J., 2006, Atlas historique mondial, Paris, Larousse.
Rather simple general books or textbooks:
ADDA J., 2004, La mondialisation de l’économie, 2 vol., Paris, La Découverte.
BRASSEUL J., 1997-2003 Histoire des faits économiques, trois tomes, Paris, Armand Colin.
BRAUDEL F., 1985, La dynamique du capitalisme, Paris, Arthaud.
HOBSON J. [2004], The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation, Cambridge, CUP.
POMERANZ K., TOPIK S., 1999, The World that Trade created, Armonk, M.E. Sharpe.
TESTOT L. [2008], L’histoire globale, un nouveau regard sur le monde, Paris, Sciences Humaines.
WALLERSTEIN I. [1985], Le capitalisme historique, Paris, La Découverte.
WALLERSTEIN I. [2006], Comprendre le monde Introduction à l’analyse des systèmes-monde,
Paris, La Découverte.
Main references :
ABU-LUGHOD J.L., 1989, Before European Hegemony The World System 1250-1350, Oxford,
Oxford University Press.
BAECHLER J., 1971, Les origines du capitalisme, Paris, Gallimard.
BEAUJARD Ph., 2005, “The Indian Ocean in Eurasian and African World-Systems before the
Sixteenth Century”, in Journal of World History, vol. 16, n° 4.
BLAUT J. [1993], The Colonizer’s Model of the World, New York and London, Guilford Press.
BRAUDEL F., 1979, Civilisation matérielle, Economie Capitalisme, 15
siècle, 3 tomes, Paris,
Armand Colin.
CHASE-DUNN C., HALL T. [1997], Rise and Demise Comparing World Systems, Boulder,
Westview Press.
CURTIN P-D., 1998, Cross-cultural Trade in World History, Cambridge, CUP.
FINDLAY R., O’ROURKE K. [2007], Power and Plenty Trade, War, and the World Economy in
the Second Millenium, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
FRANK A.-G. [1998], ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age, Berkeley, University of
California Press.
FRANK A. G., GILLS B. K., 1996, The World System, Five hundred years or five thousand? London,
GOLDSTONE J. [2008], Why Europe ? The Rise of the West in World History, 1500-1850, London
and New York, McGraw Hill.
GOODY J. [2006], The Theft of History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
GRASSBY R. [1999], The Idea of Capitalism before the Industrial Revolution, Lanham, Rowman and
JAMES H., 2001, The End of Globalization, Lessons from the Great Depression, Cambridge (Mass.),
London, Harvard University Press.
NOREL Ph., 2004, L’invention du marcune histoire économique de la mondialisation, Paris,
NOREL Ph [2009], Le genèse orientale de l’économie moderne – une introduction à l’histoire
économique globale, Paris, Seuil, 2009.
O’ROURKE K.H., WILLIAMSON J.G., 2000, Globalization and History, The Evolution of a
Nineteenth Century Atlantic Economy, London and Cambridge, MIT Press.
POLANYI K., 1983, La grande transformation, Paris, Gallimard.
POMERANZ K., 2000, The Great Divergence, China, Europe and the Making of the Modern World
Economy, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
SCHWARTZ H.M., 1994, States versus Markets History, Geography and the Development of the
International Political Economy, New-York, St Martin’s Press (réédition, 2000).
VERLEY, P., 1997, L’échelle du monde. Essai sur l’industrialisation de l’Occident, Paris, NRF.
WALLERSTEIN I., 1974-1988, The Modern World System, 3 tomes, New-York, Academic Press.
WEBER M., 1991, Histoire économique, Paris, Gallimard.
Other works:
ADSHEAD S.A.M., 2004, Tang China: The Rise of the East in World History, London, Palgrave
BENTLEY J., 1993, Old World Encounters, Cross-Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Pre-Modern
Times, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
BOULNOIS L., 2001, La route de la Soie – Dieux, guerriers et marchands, Genève, Olizane.
CHAUDHURI K.N., 1985, Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean, Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press.
CHAVAGNEUX C., 1998, « Peut-on maîtriser la mondialisation ? Une introduction aux approches
d’économie politique internationale », Economies et Sociétés, série P, n° 4, 25-68.
DOBB M., 1969, Etudes sur le développement du capitalisme, Paris, Maspéro.
EICHENGREEN B., 1996, Globalizing Capital, Princeton, Princeton University Press, trad.
Française : l’expansion du capital, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1997.
EKELUND R., TOLLISON R., 1997, Politicized Economies: Monarchy, Monopoly and Mercantilism,
Texas, Texas A&M University Press.
FOURQUET F., 1989, Richesse et puissance, Paris, La Découverte.
GORDON S. [2008], When Asia was the world, Philadelphia, Da Capo Press.
GRANOVETTER M., 2000, Le marché autrement, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer.
GREIF A. [2006], Institutions and the Path to the Modern Economy, Lessons from medieval trade,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
HICKS J. [1974], Une théorie de l’histoire économique, Paris, Seuil.
HODGSON M. [1993], Rethinking World History, Essays on Europe, Islam and World History,
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
KEBABDJIAN G., 1999, Les théories de l’économie politique internationale, Paris, Seuil.
LOMBARD M. [1971], L’Islam dans sa première grandeur, 8
siècle, Paris, Flammarion.
LOPEZ R., 1974, La révolution commerciale dans l’Europe médiévale, Paris, Aubier-Montaigne.
MANN M. [1986], The Sources of Social Power, vol.1: a history of power from the beginning to A.D.
1760 Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
MEIKSINS-WOOD E. [2002], The Origin of Capitalism, a longer view, London, Verso.
MICHALET C.A., 1976, Le capitalisme mondial, Paris, PUF (réédité en 2000).
MIELANTS E. [2008], The Origins of Capitalism and the Rise of the West, Philadelphia, Temple
University Press.
NORTH D.C., 1981, Structure and Change in Economic History, New-York, Norton.
PACEY A., 1996, Technology in World Civilization, Cambridge (Mass.), The MIT press
SILVER M., 1995, Economic Structures of Antiquity, Westport, Greenwood Press.
TEMPLE R. [2007], The Genius of China, London, Andre Deutsch.
THOMSON J., 1994, Mercenaries, Pirates and Sovereigns - State building and extra-territorial
violence in Early modern Europe, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.
TRACY J. D., 1991, The Political Economy of Merchant Empires, State Power and World Trade
(1350-1750), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
VAISSIERE de la E., 2004, Histoire des marchands sogdiens, Paris, Ihec.Inst. Hautes Etudes.
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