French 12
First Assignment
Welcome to French 12 with Burnaby Online. We are pleased that you have decided to
take this course with us!
Enclosed, you will find everything needed to complete your first assignment. Once you
have completed this assignment please submit it with your registration package.
Your Name: ______________________________________
Email address: __________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________________
Cell phone number: _______________________________________
Best time to contact me is: ___________________________
Teacher: Linda Cavaliere email: [email protected]
Teacher comments:
Total mark for First Assignment: / 65 marks
French 12
It is expected that students will use a wide range of vocabulary, complexity of
expression and idioms in past, present and future tenses to exchange ideas, thoughts,
opinions, and points of view in French.
There are four parts to this assignment. This first assignment will help your
instructor learn a little about yourself and your background of French language skills.
PARTIE # 1 : Que savez-vous de la Francophonie?
Opinion Personnelle: Quelles sont tes connaissances de la culture francophone?
( /5 points)
In the space below, share any general knowledge, opinions, and/or preferences regarding any
Francophone cultures of the world. You may talk about any cultural aspects that you consider
important such as food, music, festivals, geographical location, language, etc.
PARTIE # 2: Les Expressions Célèbres. ( /10 marks)
Britain was occupied by the Norman French for hundreds of years. As a result the
English language is full of French words (e.g. “Rendez-vous”, “hors d’oeuvre”, etc...).
Please list below 10 French words or expressions that are commonly used in English.
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
7. __________________________
8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. _________________________
PARTIE #3 : Quand j’étais jeune…
Écrivez une petite histoire personnelle au sujet d’un événement important dans ta vie
quand tu étais enfant. Servez-vous du Passé-Composé ou du Passé Imparfait comme
temps de verbes dans tes phrases. ( / 14 points)
PARTIE # 4: Une Comparaison de Verbes. Complétez les conjugaisons suivantes
aux temps de verbes indiqués. ( /36 points)
1. regarder
2. fairequi
3. être‐nous
4. pouvoir‐je
5. allerils
6. finirvous
7. choisirnous
8. avoirlesfilles
9. vouloirlafille
10. direje
11. partirelles
12. savoirje
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