Mme Bertrand - Digital Agenda for AP French
Week 17: 11-24 to 11-26-14 (3-day week THXGIVING)
UNIT AP Theme 3
FORMATIVE: summaries, dialogues, visuals projects to be completed at home - packet due by Midterms & Finals of each semester
SUMMATIVE: Albert Camus L'Étranger (1st & 2nd part => 1/semester): MCQ based on novel + short essay based on key moments via BD and/or
inspirational quotes.
What constitutes a family in different societies?
How do individuals contribute to the well-being of communities?
How do the roles that families and communities assume differ in societies around the world?
Standard(s) from Instructional Guide:
AP Theme 3: La vie contemporaine - Contexte: / la publicité
AP standards:
Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual Interpretive Communication [CCSS R 1-10 + CCSS L 1-6]
Written and Print Interpretive Communication [CCSS R 1-10 + CCSS L 1-6]
Spoken Interpersonal Communication [CCSS SL 1-3 + CCSS L 1-6]
Written Presentational Communication [CCSS W 1-10 + CCSS L 1-6] OR Written Interpersonal Communication [CCSS W 1-10 + CCSS L 1-6]
Written Presentational Communication [CCSS W 1-10 + CCSS L 1-6]
SWBAT understand authentic text about Advertisement
SWBAT prepare for their week of Benchmark & Finals on Theme 3 - Advertizing topic
SWBAT understand AP Exam expectation on Task 3 and Task 5
Assessment and Student Reflection:
La publicité with "La France, Le pays où l'on n'aime pas la pub"
Vocabulary Test on Lodging (Th3)