- PlanbookConnect

mardi, le vingt-quatre janvier, deux mille douze
Translate the following sentences into French:
1. We go to the store.
 Nous allons au magasin.
2. They(f) do not go to school.
 Elles ne vont pas à l’école.
3. You(s) are going to the pool.
 Tu vas à la piscine.
4. You(pl) go to the mall.
 Vous allez au centre commercial.
5. I am visiting the museums. (remember, French speakers say
visiter à…)
 Je visite aux musées.
Revue des devoirs d’hier:
pratique des contractions avec à et le verbe aller.
1. Corinne aime l’art moderne.
 Elle va au musée.
2. Jean-François aime manger.
 Il va au restaurant.
3. Delphine aime les westerns.
 Elle va au cinéma.
4. Marina aime nager.
 Elle va à la plage.
5. Éric aime regarder les magazines.
 Il va à la bibliothèque.
6. Denise aime faire de promenades.
 Elle va au parc. / Elle va à la plage.
7. Philippe aime la musique.
 Il va au concert. / Il va à la discothèque.
8. Alice aime le football.
 Elle va au stade. / Elle va au parc.
9. Cécile aime le shopping.
 Elle va au centre commercial.
le verbe aller and le futur proche
You know how to talk about
what you are doing in the
present tense, but how do you
talk about what you’re going to
do? In order to talk about what
you are going to do in the
future, you must use the
tense, or the futur proche. Le
futur proche is created by
combining the conjugated form
of ______________
with the
infinitive form of a second verb.
Try to translate each of the following
phrases into French.
1. I am going to watch TV.
Je vais regarder la télé.
2. You (s) are going to eat dinner.
Tu vas manger le dîner.
3. He is going to dance at the party.
Il va danser à la boum.
4. We are going to study.
Nous allons étudier.
5. You (pl) are going to travel to France.
Vous allez voyager à la France.
6. They (f) are going to go to the mall.
Elles vont aller au centre commercial.
NOTE: When negating the future proche, the
NE… PAS goes on either side of the conjugated
form of aller. So, the formula used would be …
+ ne + present of aller + pas + infinitive
Translate the following phrase:
Sylvie and Caroline are not going to go to the park.
Elles ne vont pas aller au parc.
NOTE: The interrogative form of the futur proche is
constructed in the same as in the present tense,
with the formula…
+ infinitive
Translate the following phrases into French:
EX: What are you(s) going to do?
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire?
EX: When are we going to eat?
Quand est-ce que nous allons manger?
DEVOIRS: Complete on a separate sheet of paper.
- (P. 206, ex. 10) Write two sentences in French for
each situation. Say WHERE the following people
are going this summer, and say WHAT they are
going to visit.
- (p.207, ex. 11) Choose one person from column A
and say where the person is, what they have, and
what they are going to do. Use the verbs etre,
avoir, and aller with the phrases in columns B, C,
and D. You must create a minimum of SIX sets of
sentences, one for each subject listed.