Snow Work MFL
Key Stage 3
1. Revise vocabulary from the topic you are currently studying using www.linguscope.com. (Log in, click on
‘Beginner’, then ‘Bonjour’)
Year 7: Moi et ma famille → Mes animaux
Year 8: Mon environnement → En ville
Year 9 : L’alimentation → Les fruits/Les légumes/Le petit déjeuner/Les snacks
2. Use www.wordreference.com to translate 10 words on the topic of ‘Snow/Winter’ into French. Bring them in
to show your teacher.
Key Stage 4
1. Revise vocabulary from the topic you are currently studying using www.linguscope.com.
Year 10: Mon environnement → En ville/Ma chambre/Ma maison
Year 11: La comida/El ocio → All sections
2. Complete a past paper and mark it using the mark scheme. (available from http://www.aqa.org.uk/exams-
administration/exams-guidance/find-past-papers-and-mark-schemes) Bring it in to show your teacher.