CUP- SU16- 24/05 O1202 Intermediate French Grammar II - Professeur P. Sansone-Barès
B. Cendrars, Eloge de la publicité, 1927
E. Hemingway, Paris est une fête, 1964
France culture, L’âge d’or de St-Germain-des-Prés,
B. Vian, Le manuel de St-Germain-des-Prés,1951
J.P. Sartre, L’existentialisme est un humanisme, 1946
E. Ionesco, La cantatrice chauve, 1950
Mai 68 dans les textes, compilation de tracts, articles et débats publics, 1968
C. de Gaulle, discours du 30 mai, 1968
Grammaire progressive du français, niveau intermédiaire 3è édition, CLE International, 2013. The
manual and the corrigé will be available at TSCHANN library, near Reid Hall.
All reading materials and documents will be supplied to you via the course brochure and will also be
available on Google Drive.
Attendance in this class is essential and mandatory. In-class work is based on active participation,
individually and collectively. During the language class, students are expected to participate.
Students may only be absent once. Any consecutive absence will impact the final grade.
The course instructor will be with students throughout the course, including during most excursions
and during the three-day trip. Students are expected to only speak French during the course and
during breaks.
There will be homework (self-corrected) from the required text, quizzes (vocabulary and writing in
paragraphs), a final exam (grammar) and a final personal project (connected with the oral
presentation of the Conversation and Culture course). Participation will be graded on an on-going
basis. The calendar of assignments will be provided with the course pack.
Students will be required to hand in written compositions (draft and revised versions).
Possible topics for the final project :
See the syllabus of “Culture and Conversation II“
There will be a final exam for this class.
Participation in class / homework / progression : 20 %
Quizzes : 20 %
Compositions : 20 %
Final exam: 20%
Final personal project : 20 %
POLICY ON ABSENCE (see course expectations and policies)
Presence and active participation in class are mandatory.