Justice des ressources
Croissance et développement
éconoique sont des biens rares
Monde mutlipolaire
Les cartes du pouvoir global sont
La dichotomie Nord-Sud
Justice économique
Le calcul de la “croissance
inclusive” n’a pas fait ses preuves
Justice climatique
Un fossé croissant entre cause et
Gouvernance globale
Ce que fait la communau
Transformation globale”
des faits en 6 x 11 schémas
… fundamental transformation towards
more sustainable modes of production
and consumption (Markard et al. 2012)
Transformation can be induced by
niche innovations putting pressure
on the regime level
(Mersmann 2010)
… is often “the result of many
unlike processes
(Loorbach & Rotmans 2005
… fundamental shift … that includes
guidance and visions for a sustainable future
(Mersmann 2010)
Few changes are truly transformational
(Mersmann 2010)
While all transformations are change
not all change is transformational
(Daszko &Steinberg, 2005)
Transformation is the creation and
change of a whole new form, function
or structure (Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
To transform is to create something new
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
Transformation is motivated by survival
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
Challenging assumption ..and paradigms
... Is at the heart of transformation
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
In transformation there is no known destination
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
It is a new way to do the business
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
It is a new way to develop thinking
about how to think
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
There is no transformed organisation
because transformation is ongoing
(Ruiz 1997)
Without intention, transformation
will be reduced to change
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
Transformational change … occur when the
existing set of ideas that create order and
stability no longer work
(Middletown 2007)
Transformational change does not address
<economic> failures … <but> uses these failings
to argue for fundamental change
(Middletown 2007)
Transformation is an approach,
a philosophy and a methodology
(Glass 2010)
<in transformation> the future state
is unknown when you begin
(Anderson 2011)
Change fixes the past.
Transformation creates the future.
Transformational change means
you can’t go back
<the Great transforamtion> very much
depends on organising the unplannable
(WBGU 2011)
Transformational process
Transformational policies
Transformative learning
Transformational development
Transformational change
Transformative research
Structural transformation
Low carbon transformation
Transformation of a sector
Transformation education
Transformation of a whole
Transformation research
Transformative education
Transformation knowledge Transformative thinking
Transformative action
Transforming Practice
Transforming Cities
Transforming Cultures
Transforming hope
Transforming freedom
«Notre monde est divers et coloré. Il est aussi
Li Peng
Monde mutlipolaire
Les cartes du pouvoir global sont redistribuées
Monde mutlipolaire: les cartes du pouvoir global sont redistribuées
En terme de PIB, les récentes crises économiques ont le plus
durement touché les économies industrialisées ….
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