… fundamental transformation towards
more sustainable modes of production
and consumption (Markard et al. 2012)
Transformation can be induced by
niche innovations putting pressure
on the regime level
(Mersmann 2010)
… is often “the result of many
unlike processes “
(Loorbach & Rotmans 2005
… fundamental shift … that includes
guidance and visions for a sustainable future
(Mersmann 2010)
Few changes are truly transformational
(Mersmann 2010)
While all transformations are change
not all change is transformational
(Daszko &Steinberg, 2005)
Transformation is the creation and
change of a whole new form, function
or structure (Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
To transform is to create something new
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
Transformation is motivated by survival
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
Challenging assumption ..and paradigms
... Is at the heart of transformation
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
In transformation there is no known destination
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
It is a new way to do the business
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
It is a new way to develop thinking
about how to think
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
There is no transformed organisation
because transformation is ongoing
(Ruiz 1997)
Without intention, transformation
will be reduced to change
(Daszko & Steinberg 2005)
Transformational change … occur when the
existing set of ideas that create order and
stability no longer work
(Middletown 2007)
Transformational change does not address
<economic> failures … <but> uses these failings
to argue for fundamental change
(Middletown 2007)
Transformation is an approach,
a philosophy and a methodology
(Glass 2010)
<in transformation> the future state
is unknown when you begin
(Anderson 2011)
Change fixes the past.
Transformation creates the future.
Transformational change means
you can’t go back
<the Great transforamtion> very much
depends on ‘organising the unplannable’
(WBGU 2011)