Modérateurs : Pr.Marc Spielmann et Pr.Hassane Errihani
Les Immanquables dans le colo-rectal
Pr. Eric Van Cutsem
Pr. Blaha Larbaoui
Les Immanquables en onco-gynécologie
Pr. Kamel Bouzid
Pr. Patricia Pautier
Les Immanquables dans le cancer du sein
Pr. Farhat Ben Ayed
Pr. Thierry Petit
Les Immanquables dans les glioblastomes
Dr. Mounir Bachouchi
Pr. Olivier Chinot
Cancers colorectaux
Pr Eric Van Cutsem et Pr Blaha Larbaoui
Maintenance treatment with capecitabine +
bevacizumab besus observation after induction
treatment with chemotherapy
+ bevacizumab in metastatic colorectal cancer
Phase 3 CAIRO3 study of Dutch Colorectal Cancer Groupe (DCCG)
Miriam Koopman, L Simkens, A ten Tije, G Creemers, O looxveld, F de Jongh, F Erdkamp,
Z erjavec, A van der Torren, J van der Hoeven, P Nieboer, J Braun, R Jansen, J Haasjes, A Cats, J
Wals, L Mol, O Dalesio, H van Tinteren, C Punt
Optimox : maintenance with 5FU/LV: longer PFS
Coin, Nordic, Giscad, CONcePt : intermittent treatment may be an option
Macro : maintenance with bevacizumab may be an appropriate option
following induction Xelox-bevacizumab
DREAM-GERCOR : CT + bev. bevacizumab ±erlotinib (n=650):
longer PFS for combination
Ongoing studies with bevacizumab:
SAKK : CT + bev. bevacizumab vs no treatment (n=470) ASCO 2013
CAIRO-3 : Xelox + bev. capecitabine + bevacizumab vs no treatment
(n=635) ASCO 2013
AIO : oxali/FU + bev. FU/bev. vs bev. vs no treatment (n=456)
Metastatic Colorectal Cancer maintenance trials :
from ‘stop and go’ to continuation
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