Here is a list of common irregular verbs with their past participles:
avoir eu
être été
aller allé
faire fait
vouloir voulu
pouvoir pu
devoir dû
lire lu
dire dit
prendre pris
écrire écrit
venir venu
sortir sorti
partir parti
boire bu
voir vu
mettre mis
conduire conduit
ouvrir ouvert
naître né
Agreements with Past Participles
Agreement refers to adding an e or an s to the end of the past participle. An agreement
is required when the verb is conjugated with être. The agreement is to the subject. An
agreement is required when there is a direct object (or direct object pronoun) that
precedes the past participle. In this case, the agreement is made to the direct object.
Reflexive and Reciprocal Verbs
Reflexive and reciprocal verbs also use the verb être as the helping verb.
Here are three reflexive verbs written in passé composé:
se coucher – je me suis couché(e)
se fâcher – elle s’est fâchée
se cacher – Tyler s’est caché
Note: the pronoun “se” changes depending on the subject. The pronouns are: