Je pense que… I think that…
Je crois que.. I believe
L’exception c’est.. the exception is
Parce que because/for
C’est (from verb ‘ETRE’ to be) It is
un animal –une personne - un pays –
un continent - an animal –a person - a country –a
en Angleterre (anglais), Ecosse
(écossais), France (français)… In England (English), Scotland
(Scottish), France (French)…
pluriel/singulier plural/singular
un verbe –un adjectif –un nom a verb - an adjective - a noun
masculin - féminin masculine - feminine
différents different
les autres sont… the others are…
Pair / impair Even / odd
C’est (from verb ‘ETRE’ to be) It is
Il a / Elle a (from verb ‘AVOIR’ to have) It has
Il y a (from verb ‘AVOIR’ to have) There is/there are