²Title: The announcement of cancer: Between somatic symptoms and language disorder
The plan of action to announce cancer is in essence a process of objectivation: it consists in the creation, prior to the
meeting with a patient, of a well thought-out environment, adaptable to the specificity of each case. Nevertheless, we
consider that this plan of action is directed at the conscious and the preconscious of the subject, but also that the main
part of what happens during the traumatic atmosphere of the announcement and the anguish it generates is to be
situated in the inconscient. Anguish, as a presumed affect responsible for the self-break of the speech, would make it
impossible, in our view, to use the poïetic part of the unconscious (Tuchê)
In the first part of our work, we have studied the disorders of the post traumatic stress (traumatic neurosis), and the
quality of life linked with health, for the patients and the significant others facing the announcement of a lung cancer.
The conclusions of this quantitative study are as follows: (i) the numbers of post-traumatic disorders following the
announcement are extremely high (ii) the near family is affected in a consequent way (iii) they are mainly responses
of stress of the intrusive re-experience type (psychological breaking-in) which prevail, and account for the high
values on the Horowitz's scale, as observed in this study.
In the second part, we have tackled the matter of the trauma due to the clinic or hospital, in the subversion of the
subject and the dialectic of desire. It is actually important to study qualitatively the interactions between the subject
and the caregiving system, as the complaint and its functions become modes of communication for the subject in a
world shattered by cancer. We then give account of the analysis of the verbatim of 37 dyades (patient - the signifant
others). The thematic reassemblies have been organised according to the list of supra-thematic registers set out as
follows (1) trauma of the announcement as a reminiscence of an previous or concomitant traumatic antecedent (2)
relation to time – temporality – presenteism (3) rationalization (4) any magical power of the thought: the patient's
own thinking, the nursing person's thinking (5) unconscious guilt, consciousness of guilt (6) anthromorphic theory:
cancer as an intruder (intruder, disturbing strangeness) (7) theory of man unnatural (man ill due to society and the
lifestyles it induces them to adopt (8) somatic symptoms as advent of the reality of the body – body symptoms.
Because accounting for the whole subjectivity is an impossible task, we have, in the third part of our work, chosen to
analyse a limited number of clinical cases with a metapsychological analysis. The basic deficiency in voicing all of
the subjective is for us the common point in our observations. It displays the irreducible gap between the somatic fact
and its representation, the gap of registers between the patient and the therapist, and the gap, lastly, between the
somatic symptom and language.
Conclusion: anguish is, in psychic life, the highest affect in terms of separative power. This break unties the reality of
the body from the symbolics and imagination. The deconnection cannot last long, and after the announcement, the
patient relies on a system of reference of his own. Reestablishing a psychic reality compels him to refer to his own
emergence as a subject. In the stream of statements constituted by his representations, the ones that are chosen aim at
coming back across the subject's own origins. We believe that the traumatic atmosphere, and mainly the anguish it
generates, creates a fracture between the speaking-being and the body. This dissension reveals the cultural system of
reference in which the subject is trapped. The therapeutic response consists in h elping the patient build up new grids
of references. A place where the Tuchê, that is to say the poïetical unconscious, shattered by anguish for a while,
would recover its function.
Keywords : cancer, cancer announcement, environnement, trauma, anguish, psychanalyse, clinical psychology of
Laboratory Epsylon. University Laboratory dynamics of human abilities and health behaviours
EA 4556, 34000 Montpellier, France