
The submarinelydeposited pyroclastics can bederivedfromsubaerialeruptions.Theyhavegreatsedimen-
tological and petrographicalsimilarity to pyroclastic flow deposits of primarily volcanicorigin whichare
regarded as submarine, and to secondarilydeposited pyroclastic debris flow units.
The ground-mass of theporphyroids consistsof pseudomorph vitric shardsanddetritalmaterialoftheclay
to silt fraction. Vitricrelics, pseudomorph hightemperaturequartz, albite andlapilli arethe pyroclastic parts.
Microanalyses provedthe occurenceof purealbites. Secondaryalbitizationcan be showni.a.by geochemical
criteria. Epiclastic components arepartlybituminouslithoclasts of up to several cm,numerousbioclasts,
quartz, albiteand muskovite.Accessorymineralsaremagnetite, pyrite, leucoxene, zircon,titanite, apatite,
epidote, tourmaline,rutile and monacite. Temperature and tectonic stress led to an intense alterationof mine-
ralsand recrystallization.
Not only within the regional boundsbut evenwithin onesequence, we find variablerelationof pyroclastic
to epiclasticelements. Accordingly, thetermporphyroid coversawide spectrum reaching from pure pyrocla-
sticrocks(tuffs) over tuffitesto epiclasticsedimentswith pyroclasticparts.
The analysisof147mainand minor elements (X-rayfluorescence spectroscopy) made it possible toidentify
morethan ten different porphyroid horizonsbythe characteristic content or relation of the following ele-
ments: Zr, Nb, La,Y, Ti,P,Cr, Ni,V,K, Rb, Na,Sr.On thisoccasiontheuse of EDP provedto be very
successful.Moreover,the geochemical discrimination allowed to pickout rocksthat have been regardedas
porphyroids so far(diabases, graywackes etc.).
Theresults now permit tephrostratigraphical subdivision in several partsof the dispersion areaofthepor-
phyroids. A detailed descriptionoftheregion isgiven with theaid ofadditional geological,tectonicaland
paleontological evidence. New knowledge and stratigraphicalconsequencesresultingfrom this arediscussed.
Asthe so far valid view ofthestratigraphic subdivision byfive porphyroid horizonsas well asthatof only
onehorizon istobediscarded, it is suggested to abstain from a tephrostratigraphicallybasedstratigraphy
of theLower Emsium until adefiniteresolutionabout thenumber and dispersionof theporphyroids. For
thetimebeing, porphyroids should benamed bylocal names alone.
Thepaleogeographic reconstruction locates theporphyroids at a depositionarea at theshelf marginfar
fromthesoutherncoastoftheOld RedContinent.Thereist petrographical, sedimentologicalandgeochemi-
calevidence for theporphyroidsbeingthe productsof slumpingorredepositionprocessesof rhyolithic and
rhyodacitic volcanoes in the northeastern RheinischesSchiefergebirge which petrographically and geochemi-
cally correspond to the Lenne-Volcanoes.
Resume: Geologie, Petrographie et Geochimiedes Pyroclastiques du Emsium inferieuriDevonien inferieur
(Porphyroides)dansIe sud du Massif Schisteux Rhenan.
Pour lapremiere foisunerecherche geologique,petrographique et geochimique desrochespyroclastiques
interstratifiees (porphyro'ides) a etefait
l'egard d'unesubdivisiontephrostratigraphique des schistes mono-
tonesdu Emsium inferieur dansIe suddumassif schisteuxrhenan(Taunus,Hunsri.ick).
Lesintercalations ont uneepaisseur moyennede plusieursmetres.lis sont caracterisees d'un granoclasse-
mentdansl'unite complete. Souvent on peut observer desinterlits zones etlenticulaires dansla tete (relations
differentes descomposantspyroclastiquesetepiclastiques concernantlaquantite et tailledesgrains). II y a
desstructures de glissement et redepositionsurtout danslatete et labase (bancsquarzitiques).
Les pyroclastiquesdeposes sous-marin sont derives des eruptions subaeriens. lisont une granderessem-
blance sedimentaireet petrographique avec les "pyroclasticflow deposits"- d'originevolcanique sous-
marin - et des "pyroclastic debrisflow units" - sedimentsredepositiones.
La matrice des porphyroides consisteen tessons vitreux pseudomorphes et desmateriaux detritiquesdela
fraction d' argile et la fraction de silt.Les partspyroclastiques sont desrelicts vitreux, quartzpseudomorphe
dehaute temperature, albites et lapilli.Microanalyses ont prouve l'occurence d'albites pures.Albitisation
secondairepeut etre demonstree par des criteres geochimiques.D'origineepiclastique som deslithoclastiques
plusiers centimetres,caillousde quartzite, nombreusesrochesbioclastiques,quartz, albiteet
muscovite. Minerales accessoires sont magnetite, pyrite,leucoxene, zircon,titanite,apatite, epidote, tourma-
line, rutile et monacite.La consequence delatemperature eJevee etstress tectonique etait unealteration
intense des mineraleset recristallisation(sericitisation, carbonatisation, chloritisation).
Pas seulement dansIecadreregionalmais aussi dansunesequence larelationentreIemateriauvolcanique
et detritique estvariable. Ainsi Ieterme "porphyroide" signifie ungrand spectre des rochespyroclastiques
presquepures,destuffites et aussides sedimentsepiclastiques avec des partspyroclastiques.