The right language?
sondage sont développées.
Organisation : les questions proposées serviront
de support à l’étude des documents et pourront
être complétées en amont ou en aval par des
recherches sur l’Internet (voir le site Insight).
Interactions : l’étude des documents de la page
de gauche pourra conduire à presque tous les
documents de l’unité, en particulier aux deux
premiers textes ainsi qu’à l’Extra Text qui montre
que la question linguistique en Irlande n’est pas
nouvelle. Les documents de la page de droite
iront bien avec Text 3 et Work out qui abordent
la question des niveaux de langue. Le document
audio est quant à lui clairement lié à Text 2 qui
montre l’enrichissement de l’anglais grâce aux
apports d’autres langues.
Évaluation : les expressions proposées dans
Watch your words pourront être réinvesties afi n
de formuler un bref compte rendu oral ou écrit de
l’une des photos de la page de gauche.
My place, your name?
My place, your name?
Read Culture Flash and text A. Explain the
origins of the names “Pretoria” and “Tshwane”.
Both names refer to the founders of the city.
Pretoria has a white / Afrikaaner origin whereas
Tshwane is an African name which goes back to
the roots of the country.
Pretoria refers to the past of white domination in
South Africa. Now, the name Tshwane symbol-
ises the rejection of former colonial oppression.
It is interesting that the name Tshwane, which
is older than Pretoria, now symbolises a more
modern South Africa.
Who wants to change Pretoria’s name and why?
Do you think it’s a good idea?
“City fathers” want to change the name. They
are probably black South Africans who want to
remember / celebrate the black origins of the
city and the country. The change is symbolic for
the capital of the country. The word “Tshwane”
means “we are the same” or “we are one because
we live together.”
Thus, I think that it is a good idea as it is
a way of bringing people together / uniting
I disapprove as it will make life more complicated
/ it is not necessary to change the name and will
lead to division and confl ict.
As a result, the name change could become the
focus of racial confl ict / tension in South Africa,
or it could be the signal for a new beginning /
era in the country.
Look at the photo. Why do you think there are
two languages on the sign? Translate “Chontae”
into English.
There are two languages on the sign as the
country is offi cially bilingual, with English and Irish
as offi cial languages. It is a way of proclaiming
diversity / respecting all the languages spoken
in the country.
“Chontae” obviously means “County”.
The original language of Ireland was Irish
(Gaelic) and the roadsigns are a way of re-
membering the nation’s heritage. Today Irish
is even an offi cial language of the European
Union. It is a way of stressing their differences
and identity.
“Aerphort” looks like “airport”. “Kerry” looks
like an English transcription of “Chiarrai”.
Do you think it is important to defend regional
languages even if they are only spoken by a few
– Language is a part of a person’s culture, which
means that we should defend it to preserve the
diversity of languages in the world. A language
refl ects the way people think, and if we let a
language die, we destroy a culture.
– Everywhere, people are trying to preserve re-
gional languages and it works, for example with
Welsh and Gaelic in the British Isles. Moreover,
people who speak many languages are usually
more open-minded because they can communicate
with more people in the world.
– Finally, some regional languages are getting
more and more support. For example, Gaelic is
now an offi cial language of the European Union.
– Unfortunately, there are many linguistic confl icts
almost everywhere in the world.
– When people speak different regional languages,
it leads to separation and rejection. It makes peo-
FP U1_U2 premieres 11.05.indd 38 11/05/2007 13:49:52