S. Lohrengel, S. Nicaise
We assume that Ωis a polygon embedded in R2. The electromagnetic coefficients are given by two
piecewise constant functions εand µ. This defines a partition Pof Ωinto a finite number of polygonal
subdomains Ω1,...,ΩJsuch that on each Ωjwe have ε(x)=εj>0and µ(x)=µj>0.
It follows from Maxwell’s equations that the electric field Eand the magnetic field Hbelong to
H(curl; Ω) with div(εE)∈L2(Ω) and div(µH)∈L2(Ω), whereas the tangential trace of E(resp. the
normal trace of H)areinL2(∂Ω).
A density result has been proven in [3] and [4] in the homogeneous case (J=1) for general Lipschitz
domains of R2and R3. In the present Note we use the technique of [3] to provethat a similar density result
in the context of composite materials needs special conditions on the functions εand µ. In particular, if
J>3, there always exist examples for which the density result does not hold.
The numerical application is the approximationof Maxwell’s equations by means of nodalfinite elements
(see [1] and [2]). This approximation is possible if and only if the density result holds, otherwise there are
singular fields which need to be taken into account explicitly.
Let us now precisethefunctional framework.We considera regularizedformulation of the time-harmonic
Maxwell equations (see [2]) which leads to seek the electric field in
W=E∈H(curl; Ω) |div(εE)∈L2(Ω); E×n|∂Ω∈L2(∂Ω).
We introduce the following spaces of piecewise regular functions
PHs(Ω; P)=u∈L2(Ω) |uj∈Hs(Ωj),j=1,...,J,
where ujdenotes the restriction of uon Ωj. We denote by PHs(Ω; P)the corresponding spaces of vector
We characterize the closure of PH1(Ω; P)∩Win W, which in terms of scalar potentials amounts to
prove a density result for
H=u∈H1(Ω)/R|div(εgrad u)∈L2(Ω); u|∂Ω∈H1(∂Ω).
We are thus led to consider explicitly the singularities of a transmission problem involving the operator
∆εu=div(εgrad u). Indeed, if these singularities are too strong, there are singular fields which cannot
be approximated by regular fields. Theorem 1 below characterizes these singular fields in the case of an
impedance boundary condition (see [2] and [5] for a perfect conductor).
In the sequel, Sext denotes the set of boundary vertices; for S∈S
ε,S be the set of positive
singular exponents of the operator ∆Dir
ε(∆εwith Dirichlet boundary condition). With a given λ∈ΛDir+
we associate a (unique) eigenvector φλ(θ)satisfying
∂θ(ε∂θφλ)+λ2εφλ=0 on ]0,ω[,
φλ(0) = φλ(ω)=0,
where (r, θ)are the local polar coordinates with respect to S,andωis the interior angle at S. We denote by
hS,λ =ηSrλφλ,
and ηSis an appropriate cut-off function (ηS≡1in a neighbourhoodof S). Since interior singularities have
been described in [5], we assume up to now that the singular exponents corresponding to interior vertices
are >1. Our main result is the:
THEOREM 1. – We have
W=PH1(Ω; P)∩W⊕Span ∇hS,λS∈Sext ,λ∈ΛDir+
ε,S ∩]0,1/2[ .