Washing machine = a machine which washes clothes
racing car = a car which races
teaching staff = the staff who teach.
Hangman = a man who hangs people.
flashbulb = a bulb which flashes (on a camera)
Taxi driver = a man who drives a taxi
a song writer / a stamp collector / gate-crasher (intus)
Mountain climbing = the sport of climbing mountains
Air conditioning = the process of conditioning the air
Book review = what is produced when someone reviews a book
Blood test = what is produced when someone tests blood
Pickpocket = a person who picks pockets
A call girl = a girl who is called at night by men for erotic adventures
Noms composés avec particules adverbials
Onlooker = a person who looks on and observes
Bystander = a person who stands by and does not get involved
Uproar = noise made by something
Runner-up = a person who runs up second in a competition
Leftovers = food that is left over after a meal.
Composés en chaîne :
A merry-go-round / a lady-in-waiting / a forget-me-not / a coat-of arms /a father-in-law
3. Le singulier et le pluriel des noms composés
revoir le cours sur le pluriel des noms
N2 = qualifieur est toujours au singulier
Here’s two special toothbrushes
Five twenty-five-year old women.
A clothes shop Attention = pas de singulier pour N2 ici. Il est toujours au pluriel.
A sports hall / a sportsman / a customs officer / a news bulletin/ a savings account Ici N2 a
un S mais ce n’est pas la marque du pluriel !
Policemen / grown-ups / my in-laws / the six-year-olds = seul N1 porte la marque du pluriel
Exeptions = deux pluriels avec man et woman et leur composés.
menservants / women writers / gentlemen farmers