Transposition de modaux en adverbes (sous conditions...)
There used to be a branch in Mexico.->
As you may have noticed.. (may hypothétique)->
He might not be always on time, but he was reliable.(may hypothétique) ->
They must have held secret talks.(must ds sa valeur de forte présomption)->
He must make a lot of money.->
Meetings can be quite boring. ( valeur de potentiel)->
Transposition du participe présent épithète-> gpe prép ou relative
Developing countries. ->
Soaring industries. ->
A soaring demand for organic produce. ->
Soaring prices. ->
Rising costs. ->.
The ruling junta. ->
Bengali-speaking children. ->
Exercice de traduction.
1. Attempts to shore up the struggling economy had been unavailing.
2. He’d made it it conscern to buy ailing companies.
3. That is the principle that will guide us in the coming years.
4. In an effort to revive its flagging economy, Japan put its interest rates back to zero.
5. Daimler-Chrysler unveiled plans to cut investment at Chrysler, its loss-making arm, by
40% over the next five years.
Le chassé-croisé
ex. He swam across the river
-> Il a traversé la rivière à la nage
!!! chassé-croisé elliptique
The plane flew across the sky. -> l’avion traversa le ciel.
B. La modulation. C’est un changement de point de vue.
!!! Certaines modulations sont figées
ex. Bed and breakfast-> chambre d’hôtes
Modern languages-> les langues vivantes.
We are not out of the wood.-> Nous ne sommes pas sortis de l’auberge.
* Négation du contraire
He has a guilty conscience.->Il n’a pas la conscience tranquille.
Renvoi à la personne
David’s hair is white. -> David a les cheveux blancs.
Their eyes were riveted on him. -> Ils avaient les yeux...
Changement de voix (voix passive en anglais ->voix active en français)
We were advised not to make a fuss.->
I think we should be told about the dangers of this technology.->