Cned, Anglais 6e —
Séquence 1
Step 8
Complete the table now. (Maintenant complète le tableau.)
Daniel Emma
Father’s name David Peter
Mother’s name Nicola Mary
Sisters Hannah, Ellen
Brothers Ben
Pets Max (a dog)
Step 9
Exercise 10
Now, write the names. (Maintenant donne le prénom des gens suivants.)
Hannah’s sister: Ellen
Ben’s sister: Emma
Hannah’s brother: Daniel
Daniel: This is a photo of my family in Dublin.
Jack: Who’s the girl with the red pullover?
Daniel: That’s my sister, Hannah.
Jack: How old is she?
Daniel: She’s 10.
Emma: Who’s the girl with the blue T-shirt?
Daniel: That’s Ellen. She’s my sister too. She’s 8.
Jack: Who’s that with the green dress?
Daniel: That’s my mother. Her name is Nicola. And that’s my father with the black jeans. His
name is David.
Emma: Is that your dog?
Daniel: Yes, that’s our dog, Max!
Emma: This is my family. That’s my Mum with the yellow pullover. Her name is Mary. That’s
my Dad with the orange trainers. His name is Peter.
Daniel: And who’s this boy with the blue jacket?
Emma: He’s my brother. His name is Ben.
Daniel: How old is he?
Emma: He’s 18. He’s a student in Chicago now.