69006 LYON
Références bibliographiques du cours
Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS): Recommandation professionnelle : Rééducation de l’entorse externe de la cheville – Janvier
Kerkhoffs, G. M., van den Bekerom, M., Elders, L. A., van Beek, P. A., Hullegie, W. A., Bloemers, G. M., et al. (2012).
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of ankle sprains: an evidence-based clinical guideline. Br J Sports Med, 46(12), 854-
Kooijman, M. K., Swinkels, I. C., Veenhof, C., Spreeuwenberg, P., & Leemrijse, C. J. (2011). Physiotherapists' compliance
with ankle injury guidelines is different for patients with acute injuries and patients with functional instability: an
observational study. J Physiother, 57(1), 41-46.
Williams, A. E., Davies, S., Graham, A., Dagg, A., Longrigg, K., Lyons, C., et al. (2011). Guidelines for the management of
the foot health problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Musculoskeletal Care, 9(2), 86-92.
Chanussot, JC, Danowski, RG. Rééducation en traumatologie du Sport. Ed.Masson. 2001
Rolland E., Lorton G., Saillant G., Chirurgie des tendinopathies d'achille du sportif, Maîtrise Orthopédique n° 138 -
Novembre 2004
Lecoq C., Curvalle G., Les entorses de cheville, Maitrise orthopédique n°113, Avril 2002
Besse, J.L., Maestro, M., Ragusa, M. Forefoot morphotype study and planning method for forefoot osteotomy. Foot & Ankle
Clinics. Innovations in foot and ankle surgery in Europa. Trnka HJ. Guest editor. 8 (2003) 695-710