Bridging Interactions and molecular functions of Alternative Proteins
Laboratoire Protéomique, Réponse Inflammatoire & Spectrométrie de Masse (PRISM)
NSERM U1192 - Université Lille 1
Bât SN3, 1er étage, Université Lille1, Cité Scientifique
PhD Director: Prof. Isabelle Fournier,
PhD Supervisor: Dr. Julien Franck,
Recent evidence has shown that in addition to annotated proteins, alternative proteins (AltProt) can
be translated from alternative open reading frames (AltORFs) present within mRNAs. In collaboration with
the Dr. X. Roucou at Sherbrooke Univsersity (Canada), we demonstrated the presence of AltMRVI1 in the
case of ovarian and breast cancer (OC and BC). However, even if their presence has been demonstrated,
their molecular functions remain to be determined. The project aims to investigate the partners and
molecular functions of AltProts firstly from SCOV3 human cells and will be conducted at the PRISM-
INSERM-U1192 lab (University Lille1, France). AltProts will be identified by high resolution (HR) mass
spectrometry (MS) based high throughput proteomics and their partners will be determined by means of
crosslinking experiments coupling to MS (Xlink-MS). Then, after invalidation of the associated AltORFs
using the CRISPR-CAS9 approach, their molecular functions will be investigated using high-throughput
comparative proteomics by HR-MS/MS. The last investigation consists of determination of the function of
AltAkt. For this purpose, we will focus on PD-L1 which is expressed in macrophages and play a crucial
role in T cell anergy by binding PD-1 on T-lymphocytes. The activation of PD-1/PD-L1 axis suppresses T-
lymphocyte migration, proliferation and secretion of cytotoxic mediators. The resultant T cell suppression
contributes to cancer cell immune evasion. As such, PD-1 or PD-L1 blockade strategies have been
developed to boost immune response. The role of the P13K/Akt pathway regulation of PD-L1 in
macrophages as well as in tumors has been already reviewed. Akt activation up-regulated PD-L1 proteins.
In this context, PD-L1 is a clear target for the understanding of the impact of Alt-Akt. The aim is thus to
evaluate the role of the couple Akt/Alt-Akt in PD-L1 expression in the cell line of human macrophages
Keywords: Mass Spectrometry, Structural Biology, Alternative Proteins, Cancer, CRISPR-CAS9