Reminder 1 :
prétérit simple : - pour donner des informations sur un temps révolu
- pour parler d’informations qui n’ont plus de lien avec le présent
- pour un récit/ succession d’actions dans le passé
Forme affirmative : forme négative : forme interrogative :
Sujet + V-ed ou V- irrégulier Sujet + didnt + BV Did + sujet + BV
prétérit be + ing : - pour décrire ce qui se passait à un moment donné.
- sert à poser le cadre d’une action
- sert à faire une description
- pour parler d’une action que l’on observe dans son déroulement, comme un
arrêt sur image
Forme affirmative : forme négative : forme interrogative :
S + be conjugué au prétérit + V-ing S + be conjugué au prétérit+ V-ing be conjugué au prétérit + S +BV
was/ were wasnt/ werent was/were
past perfect : - pour parler de l’antériorité dans le passé
- avec by + date/ moment (= bilan dans le passé)
Forme affirmative : forme négative : forme interrogative :
S + had+ V au participe passé S + hadnt + V au participe passé Had + S + V au participe passé
V-ed ou verbe irrégulier (3e colonne)
I- Tu as été témoin d’un incident dans la rue. Raconte ce que tu as vu :
I (walk) was walking in the street when I (see) saw a man. I (see) had seen him the day before in this same street, and I
(notice) had noticed him because he has a huge scar across the face. He (wear) was wearing a long coat and a hood.
Suddenly, he (start) started running towards another man who (sit) was sitting on a bench. He (grab) grabbed his bag
and (run) ran away. The man on the bench (be) was furious. The bag was brand new: he (buy) had bought it the
previous week and it was very expensive.
II- Ce paragraphe retrace le fabuleux destin d’Henry Ford, créateur d’une célèbre marque d’automobiles. Complète-le
avec les verbes entre parenthèses au temps qui convient.
When Ford left his father’s farm in 1879 (leave), he had nothing (have), not even a proper education.
He started (start) as a mechanic and by 1890 he had become (become) a chief engineer. In his spare time he
experimented (experiment) with several engines and by 1896, he had already managed (already manage) to drive his
first home-made automobile.
In 1903, he started (start) the Ford Motor Company and he decided to mass-produce cheap cars. Before that, only
wealthy people had been able (be able) to afford cars.
In 1908, he put out his first Model T and one year later, 10 thousand Model Ts were sold (be sold).
When the company stopped production in 1927, Henry Ford had become (become) one of the richest men in the world.
Reminder 2 :
• L’auxiliaire DO (DID au prétérit) est utilisé aux formes négatives et interrogatives. Le verbe qui suit est
alors sous sa forme de BV. Cet auxiliaire n’apparaît pas lorsque les mots interrogatifs who et what sont SUJET du verbe
ou quand BE est conjugué.
II- Tu dois interviewer la célèbre romancière Patricia Cornwell. Imagine les questions portant sur les informations
suivantes et rédige l’interview :
Journalist: Hello Miss Cornwell. Welcome to our show. Let’s start
with some questions about you and your life. When and where
were you born?
P.C.: I was born on June 6th, 1956, in Miami, Florida.
J: And what did you study?
P.C.: I studied English.
J: Are you married?
P.C.: I was married to Charles Cornwell, but we got a divorce in 1989.
J: What was your first crime story? What was the title of your first book?
P.C.: My first book was Postmortem. I wrote it in 1991./ I wrote my first book, Postmortem, in 1991.
J: Who is the main character in your stories?/ What’s the main character called?
P.C: Her name is Kay Scarpetta and she is a forensic examiner.
J: How many book did you write between 1990 and 2008?
P.C.: I wrote 16 books.
III- Tu es fan d’Alfred Hitchcock et voudrais bien avoir autant de succès que lui. Tu es en train d’écrire un scénario
pour ton prochain film. Pose les questions qui te serviront de trame pour ton thriller.
1. Pourquoi le personnage principal a-t-il trouvé un cadavre devant sa porte en rentrant de vacances?
2. Qui était cet homme ?
3. Qui l‘a tué ? Quand ? Comment est-il mort ?
4. Sa femme connaissait-elle ce mystérieux inconnu ?
5. Combien de temps est-il resté devant sa porte ?
6. Cet homme avait-il des ennemis ?
1- Why did the main character find a dead body on his doorstep?
2- Who was that man?
3- Who killed him? When did they kill him? How did he die?
4- Did the main character’s wife know this mystery guy?
5- How long did he stay there?
6 Did the man have enemies?
Reminder 3 :
pour faire une hypothèse dans le passé, j’utilise :
might/ may + have + verbe au participe passé.
Tu es “profiler”. On te demande ton avis sur un crime qui a été commis. Fais trois hypothèses en utilisant des verbes
différents à chaque fois:
1- The man might have entered the house through a broken window.
2- He might have been a creeper.
3- The woman might have known the murderer.
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