ac - Accent
adj - Adjectif incorrect
adv - Adverbe incorrect
acc - Accord/agreement
an Mot anglais / false cognate
at - Article incorrect or missing
aux -auxiliary / helping verb
cj - Conjugaison
cm -choix de mots
cv -choix de verbe
el - Elision
ex - Excessif and/or repeats
gn - Genre
ld -Lourd/Awkward
il -illisible / illegible
inf - Infinitif
mq -manque de quelque chose
nég - Négation
nom Nom / choix de nom
om Ordre des mots
pp -paragraphe
pc Pas clair / compréhensibilité / clarté
pl -pluriel nécessaire
pos - Possessive adjective or pronoun
prp - Préposition incorrecte
pro - Pronom
pp - Participe passé
pre - pronom réfléchis/ réciproque
reg -registre / niveau de formalité
ot - Orthographe / spelling
sbj -subjonctif
sg -singulaire nécessaire
suj Sujet / subject pronoun
tv - Temps du verbe / tense or mood
trs Transition / linking word(s)
vg - Vague
vo Vocabulaire
Don’t forget!
Use the grammar
and writing
checklist on the
back of this page!
Writing checklist : before handing in my work, I have checked all of the
following… (This general for all writing assignments. Refer to specifics of any
assignment for more elements to consider before handing in )
Criteria to consider
How I could improve
completed all tasks / directions
gone beyond the minimum required
used connectives / transition words
used negatives
used adjectives
used adverbs and intensifiers
checked verb endings carefully
checked word order carefully
checked adjective endings carefully
checked accents carefully
Checked all articles carefully
Used a variety of vocabulary and
transitional words
Used a variety of time frames and tenses
included more description and
created more interesting sentences
General Checklist
I have read my work to check it reads well and makes sense
I have organized my work into paragraphs (incl. introduction and conclusion if
I have extended my sentences, but have not been over-ambitious
I have used a variety of structures and vocabulary
I have checked all my spellings
I have presented my work neatly and clearly
I have checked every single verb formation very carefully
I have checked my punctuation
I have checked all my accents are where they should be
I have thought carefully about what I am trying to say
1 / 2 100%
La catégorie de ce document est-elle correcte?
Merci pour votre participation!

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