hood (statut, domaine personnel/status, personnal
area) Child + hood = Childhood
Likely + hood = Likelihood
Neighbour + hood = Neighbourhood
ian (une personne qui a une pratique /a person who
practices) Music +ian = Musician
er (une origine, une pratique, un exécutant/an origin,
a practice, a performer) Highland + er = Highlander
Chronicle + er = chronicler
Teach + er = teacher
ism (croyance/belief) Ideal + ism = idealism
en (matériau, action/material, action) Wood + en = Wooden
Strength + en = Strengthen
less (absence de qualité/lack of quality) Pain + less = Painless
ish (traits négatifs/negative features) Child + ish = Childish
ful (présence d’une qualité/with a quality) Care + ful = Careful
al (qualité, action/quality, action) Comic + al = Comical
Arrive + al = Arrival
ly (qualité, manière/quality, manner) Friend + ly = Friendly
Easy + ly = Easily
ness (état / condition/condition) Sad + ness = sadness
ity (contexte/a context) Actual + ity = Actuality
ize (action) Legal + ize = legalize
ee (situation d’une personne/situation or occupation) Train + ee = Trainee
Employ + ee = Employee
ence (état/state) Exist +ence = Existence
able (susceptible d'être/be likely) Break + able = Breakable
ing (caractéristique/characteristic) Amaze +ing = amazing
ive (caractéristique/characteristic) Create + ive = Creative
Remarque/Notice: on peut utiliser plus d'un suffixe/we can use more than one suffix
care,n. (attention) => careful,adj. (prudent) => carefulness, n. (prudence)
hope, n (espoir) => hopeless, adj. (désespéré) => hopelessness,n. (désespoir)
Exercices/Practice :
Transformez les mots entre ( )/ Change the words in brackets
1. I can't understand how the ______________________________ (rob) managed to enter the house.
2. Why should a ______________________________ (fear) person be afraid of aliens ?
3. He is a ______________________________ (power) man, he can lift heavy weights.
4. Who do you think is the best ________________(write) of all time? William Shakespeare of course.
5. Bayard, the knight 'without fear and beyond reproach' was called the 'Good Knight' for his ______
6. I am exhausted, Phoebe is such a ______________________________ (rest) girl!
7. To make these crumpets you don't need more than two ___________________ (spoon) of sugar.
8. ______________ (happy) is nothing more than good health and a bad memory. (Albert Schweitzer)
9. 3.1415926535... Nobody can write the number . It has an _____________ (end) list of figures.
10. On July 20, 1969 the expedition to the Moon was ______________________________ (success)