Futur simple et le futur proche
> Pour parler de l'avenir, il suffit de faire précéder le verbe de WILL, à toutes les personnes:
I will go to the cinema.
You will go to the cinema.
He/she will go to the cinema.
We will go to the cinema.
You will go to the cinema.
They will go to the cinema.
> A la forme interrogative, on fait l'inversion, comme d'habitude:
Will you go to the cinema ? Iras-tu au cinéma?
Yes, I will. No, I won't.
> Pour mettre à la forme négative, on utilise en effet WON'T (qui est la contraction de WILL NOT, qu'on
peut aussi utiliser).
I won't do my homework. Je ne ferai pas mon travail.
CONCLUSION: si vous apprenez l'anglais, ne vous embarrassez pas avec SHALL. En anglais
contemporain, les anglophones adoptent de plus en plus le système plus simple: WILL à toutes les
Lorsque l'action va se passer bientôt, qu'elle est prévue, qu'elle va se passer quasiment à coup sûr, on
peut utiliser le futur proche.
On utilise alors l'expression BE GOING TO qu'on conjugue. Il faut alors savoir conjuguer BE au présent.
Le futur proche correspond à notre expression française: 'je vais... ' Exemples:
> Je vais m'acheter une voiture > I'm going to buy a car.
> Elle va prendre le train = She's going to take the train.
Pour ceux qui auraient un doute, voici un exemple à toutes les formes:
I am (=I'm) going to eat.
You are (=you're) going to eat.
She is (=she's) going to eat.
He is (=he's) going to eat.
It is (=it's) going to eat.
We are (=we're) going to eat.
You are (= you're) going to eat.
They are (= they're) going to eat.
Question: Are you going to eat? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Pour parler du futur, on a besoin de quelques termes. Voici les plus courants:
tomorrow = demain Se combine avec un moment de la journée:
> tomorrow morning = demain matin
> tomorrow afternoon = demain après-midi
> tomorrow evening = demain soir ...
next week = la semaine prochaine next year = l'année prochaine...
in a year = dans un an in 2 days = dans deux jours...
Exercice: Complétez avec le verbe conjugué au futur simple (ne pas utiliser l'expression 'be going
1) When I ______________________________ (be) 32, I ______________________ (buy) a flat.
2) ______________________________ (you/go) to Spain?
3) When she _____________________ (have) a job, she _______________________ (be) happy.
Test: Construire des phrases au futur proche en tenant compte des éléments entre parenthèses.
Ex: Lisa wants to give up. (What) * => What is Lisa going to give up?
* Pas de contractions aux formes affirmative et négative pour harmonisation de la correction.
/ Ponctuation : elle est déjà mise. / phrases 9 & 10: 'I' devient 'you' dans les questions.
1. Lisa wants to study classical music in Vienna. (Why) ______________________________ ?
2. She wants to become a professional pianist. (Affirmative form) ______________________________ .
3. Her parents can't pay for her music lessons. (Negative Form) ______________________________ .
4. Lisa wants to find a flat in the town centre. (Negative Form) ______________________________ .
5. She wants to live there...(How) ______________________________ ?
6. Her boyfriend wants to have a job in Vienna. (When) ______________________________ ?
7. His parents want to know about Lisa's decision. (Interrogative form)
______________________________ ?
8. They both want to leave the USA. (Why) ______________________________ ?
9. I want to meet the conductor of the orchestra. (What ...for) ______________________________ ?
10. I want to get more information about that career. (Interrogative Form)
______________________________ ?
Dans cet exercice, vous devez mettre les verbes dans les trous en utilisant 'Will ' ou 'BE Going to '.
Exemple : A : Why are you turning on the television ?
B : I'm going to watch (watch) the news.
1. A : I've got a terrible headache. B : Have you ? Wait there and I ________________(get) an aspirin for
2. A : Why are you filling that bucket with water ? B : I ________________________(wash) the car.
3. A : I've decided to re-paint this room. B ; What colour ___________________(you/paint) it ?
4. A : Look ! There's smoke coming out of that house. B :My God ! I ______________ (call) the fire-
5. A : The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it ? B : No, it looks as if it ________ (fall)
6. A : Where are you going ? Are you going shopping ? B : Yes, I _____________ (buy) something for
7. A : I can't work out how to use this camera. B : It's quite easy. I ________________________ (show)
8. A : What would you like to drink - tea or coffee ? B : I __________________________(have) tea, please
9. A : Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school ? B : Oh yes. Everything is planned. He
______________________________(have) a holiday for a few weeks .
10. A : Did you post that letter for me ? B : Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. I ______________(do) it
11. A : We need some bread for lunch. B : Oh, do we ? I __________________(go) to the shop and get
12. A : Those clouds are very black, aren't they ? B : I think it ______________________________(rain).
1. Look! The barometer is falling, perhaps the weather ____________________ be nice at the
2. My sister is pregnant, according to the doctor she _____________________________ have a girl.
3. Why are you wearing your best suit ? I ____________________ have lunch with my biggest
4. Would you like chicken or beef ? I think I _____________________________ have beef.
5. If he passes his exam he _______________stay in England for a year.
6. Your daughter is nearly as tall as you are. It's not surprising, she ______________ be 15 next
7. There isn't any butter left. I _____________________________ go to the grocer's and get some.
8. Now that Peter has retired who do you think _____________________________ get the job ?
9. David has failed his exams I _____________________________ congratulate him.
10. Why are your children dressed like that ? They _____________________________ wash the car.
Will / Be going to
--- aucune décision préalable n'a été prise
on utilise will lorsque l'on prend une décision au moment où l'on parle
It's really hot in here. I will put the air conditioning.
Did you phone Tom? I'm sorry I completely forgot, I'll do it now.
on utilise souvent will avec le verbe 'think'
I think I'll go to the gym tomorrow.
on utilise will pour parler d'un événement dont on pense qu'il peut se produire dans le futur sans
que l'on en ait vraiment la certitude
Lots of accidents will happen in that weather.
People won't go to Jupiter before the 22nd century.
on utilise l'expression 'be going to' quand la décision a été prise avant de parler
We are not going to see my mother tomorrow . (nous n'avons pas l'intention d'aller voir...)
Do you want any help? No thanks. John's going to help me. (John va m'aider)
on utilise l'expression 'be going to' pour parler d'un événement futur lorsque l'on est sûr ou
quasiment sûr qu'il va se produire
It's 10.30, you are going to miss the train! You can't get to the station in time.
I've broken the vase. My mother isn't going to be very happy.
on utilise toujours will avec le verbe 'be'
The meeting will be at 9 am.
1. Look! The barometer is falling, perhaps the weather _____________________________ be nice at
the weekend.
2. My sister is pregnant, according to the doctor she _____________________________ have a girl.
3. Why are you wearing your best suit ? I _____________________________ have lunch with my
biggest customer.
4. Would you like chicken or beef ? I think I _____________________________ have beef.
5. If he passes his exam he _____________________________ stay in England for a year. His aim is to
speak English fluently.
6. Your daughter is nearly as tall as you are. It's not surprising, she _____________________________
be 15 next month.
7. There isn't any butter left. I _____________________________ go to the grocer's and get some.
8. Now that Peter has retired who do you think _____________________________ get the job ?
9. David has failed his exams I _____________________________ congratulate him.
10. Why are your children dressed like that ? They _____________________________ wash the car.
1. won't
2. 's going to
3. 'm going to
4. 'll
5. 's going to
6. 'll
7. 'll
8. will
1 / 7 100%
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