Futur dans les subordonnées de temps?
Bien qu'il s'agisse d'un événement futur, l'anglais utilise souvent le présent ou le
present perfect immédiatement après
'when,' 'as soon as,' 'after.'
Ex. When she leaves, you will have more time .
ou When she has left, you will have more time.
1- 'I will phone you when I get home' est une phrase en 2 parties :
la partie principale ( 'I will phone you' )
et la partie subordonnée introduite par WHEN ( 'when I get home' ).
2- Le temps est le futur MAIS l'anglais utilise un PRESENT dans la subordonnée.
3- Un autre exemple ? ' What will you do when you are in the USA ?'
4- La même chose se produit avec
5- Exemple ? 'I am going to sleep a lot when I am on holiday'.
6- Quand on utilise le present perfect, une chose doit être réalisée avant l'autre. ( =>
Les 2 choses ne peuvent se produire ensemble ).
7- Exemples ?
a- 'When I have seen Betty, we'll have our tea.' ( = Je verrai Betty et ensuite nous
prendrons notre thé.) /
b- 'When I see Betty, I will ask her to have tea with us.' ( = Je verrai Betty et je lui
demanderai - en même temps - de prendre le thé avec nous. )
Test : appliquer ces 'règles' aux phrases proposées => mettre le présent ou le present
perfect dans la subordonnée.
1. You'll talk to Julia as soon as she (arrive) ______________________________.
2. After you (finish) ______________________________ packing up, you will meet all the members of
the staff.
3. The tourists will take photos while they (visit) ______________________________ the old town.
4. Will you do something before it (be) ______________________________ too late ?
5. Don't worry, Lisa will buy some food when she (go) ______________________________ shopping.
6. I can't do anything now ! When I (phone) ______________________________ Sue, I'll be able to
give a hand.
7. I do hope you will come and see us in Dublin when you (be) ______________________________ in
8. Joe says he is going to follow his diet after he (come) ______________________________ back from
9. He will give you his address only after he (find) ______________________________ somewhere to
10. Jill won't speak to him again until he (apologize) ______________________________ .
1) arrives
2) have finished
3) visit
4) is
5) goes
6) have phoned
7) are
8) has come
9) has found
10) has apologized
When + futur ou présent ?
When, suivi d'un verbe au présent ou au futur?
When peut avoir deux sens :
1) When = lorsque, quand
Lorsque WHEN signifie LORSQUE, le verbe qui suit sera au présent en anglais (à la place
du futur en français)
Je serai professeur lorsque /quand je serai grand
I'll be a teacher when I AM big
2) When = interrogatif : quand, à quelle date, à quel moment?
Dans ce cas, le verbe au futur en français, sera également au futur en anglais.
Quand viendras-tu?
When will you come?
Pour bien faire l'exercice, posez-vous la question si WHEN signifie LORSQUE, ou bien A
1) I don't know when __________________.
they will come
will they come
they come
2) We'll go to New York when __________________ some money.
we have
we'll have
will to have
3) When __________________ Claire, tell her that I miss her.
you meet
do you meet
you'll meet
4) When __________________ the results?
shall we know
we will know
know we
5) I'll give you the results when __________________ them.
I will know
I shall know
I know
6) Come and have a cup of tea when __________________.
will you want
you want
do you want
7) I'll read this book when __________________ time.
I'll have
I have
Have I
8) Don't forget to buy some English mustard when __________________ in London !
you will be
you are
do you be
9) When __________________ a car?
will you to buy
buy you
will you buy
10) I'll buy a car when __________________ my driving licence !
I have
I will have
I shall have
1. they will come
2. we have
3. you meet
4. shall we know
5. I know
6. you want
7. I have
8. you are
9. will you buy
10. I have
When + futur
I - On emploie When + futur :
A- Dans une interrogative directe :
Exemple : When will you buy a computer ?
B- Dans une interrogative indirecte :
Exemple: I wonder when she will buy a computer .
C- Lorsque when est un relatif :
Exemple : There will come a day when everyone will own a computer .
D- Lorsque when = and , then , at which time
Exemple : Mr Laurant will visit our school tomorrow , when he will give a lecture on
computers .
II-On n'emploie JAMAIS le futur aprés when dans une subordonnée temporelle , when étant alors
une conjonction.
Exemple : I will buy a car when I have enough money . ( NOT : I will buy a car when I will
have enough money )
NOTE : This same rule is applied with these time conjunctions : as soon as , until , immediately ,
while ...
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