Cned, Anglais 3e
Séquence 9 — séance 1
4- Definitions: learn new words.
- A landlocked country is a country that doesn’t border an ocean.
- Overseas (à l’étranger, outre-mer)
Exercise 2
Before reading the following indications that can help you locate the countries of South
America, listen to the names of the countries.
Repeat them several times.
Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
Exercise 3
Read the following definitions and locate the countries of South America on a map (see
Bolivia The westernmost of the two landlocked countries in South America.
Brazil The biggest country in South America.
Chile A long, thin country in southwestern South America.
Colombia A country in the far northwest of South America.
A country in northwestern South America; the equator passes through
northern Ecuador. Ecuador borders the Pacific Ocean, is south of
Colombia, and north of Peru.
An overseas ‘départment’ of France that is located in northern South
America. It borders the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, and Suriname.
Paraguay The easternmost of the two landlocked countries in South America.
Peru It borders the Pacific Ocean.
Suriname A small country in northern South America. It borders the Atlantic Ocean,
Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana.
Uruguay A small country in southeastern South America that is bordered by Brazil,
Argentina and the Atlantic Ocean.
Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
......................... .........................
Atlantic ocean
The West Indies
Caribbean sea