Séquence 9
Communication Civilisation Grammaire Lexique Phonologie Méthodologie
Séance 1
Pays d’Amérique
Localiser un pays
dans un continent :
sur une carte
Pays d’Amérique
Latine Pays d’Amérique
Points cardinaux
Reproduire à
l’identique des
noms de pays
Séance 2
Cartes, géométrie Apparier un terme à
sa définition
Émettre des
Afrique Formes
Futur (WILL) so that
Les sons
proches : tray /
trade / train
transparents à
l’écrit, opaques
à l’oral
Séance 3
Interview Résumer une
triangulaire Continents, océans,
pays, villes Repérer et
identifier les
mots clés dans un
document sonore
Séance 4
Interview Rapporter
les propos de
Styles direct et
Séance 5
L’esclavage Synthétiser des
L’esclavage Commerce
le prétérite
be eager to+ V
be willing to+V
La voix passive
Pronoms relatifs
Enrichir des
énoncés simples
Séance 6
Les acteurs
du commerce
Synthétiser des
informations écrites Les acteurs
du commerce
Rôle de la
Verbes spécifiques
au commerce
prépositions :
from - to - across to
- back - on
Repérer et
identifier les
mots clés dans un
document écrit
Cned, Anglais 3e
Cned, Anglais 3e
Séquence 9
séance 1
Séance 1
J’apprends quelques pays d’Amérique latine
J’apprends des termes géographiques
Je situe des pays sur une carte
’apprends quelques pays d’Amérique latine
Step 1
Test your Geography knowledge!
Let us revise South American countries.
You will have to locate the following countries of South America on a map (below).
Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
First learn a few geographical terms.
Exercise 1
1- Write the names of the following directions. : ...................... West – East – North – South
................................... ...................................
2- Fill in the blanks.
a) A country which is located in the South of a continent is a ............................ country.
b) A country located in the North is a
c) A country ........................................ West is a
d) A country ........................................ is ..................................................................... .
3- Fill in the blanks.
The westernmost country is the country that is farthest (most distant) to the .................
The easternmost country is the country that is farthest to the .........................................
The ................................................. country is the country that is farthest to the North.
The ................................................... country is ................................................. South.
Cned, Anglais 3e
Séquence 9 séance 1
4- Definitions: learn new words.
- A landlocked country is a country that doesn’t border an ocean.
- Overseas l’étranger, outre-mer)
Exercise 2
Before reading the following indications that can help you locate the countries of South
America, listen to the names of the countries.
Repeat them several times.
Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
Exercise 3
Read the following definitions and locate the countries of South America on a map (see
Bolivia The westernmost of the two landlocked countries in South America.
Brazil The biggest country in South America.
Chile A long, thin country in southwestern South America.
Colombia A country in the far northwest of South America.
A country in northwestern South America; the equator passes through
northern Ecuador. Ecuador borders the Pacific Ocean, is south of
Colombia, and north of Peru.
An overseas ‘départment’ of France that is located in northern South
America. It borders the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, and Suriname.
Paraguay The easternmost of the two landlocked countries in South America.
Peru It borders the Pacific Ocean.
Suriname A small country in northern South America. It borders the Atlantic Ocean,
Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana.
Uruguay A small country in southeastern South America that is bordered by Brazil,
Argentina and the Atlantic Ocean.
Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
......................... .........................
Atlantic ocean
The West Indies
Caribbean sea
Cned, Anglais 3e
Séquence 9
séance 1
Exercise 4
Listen to the names of the following countries in the Caribbean Islands. As soon as you hear
them, locate the countries on the map below.
Cuba Dominican republic Puerto Rico Jamaica Barbados
Trinidad and Tobago The Bahamas
Exercise 5
When you are finished, listen to those names once again and repeat them.
Cned, Anglais 3e
Séance 2
J’apprends les formes géométriques
Je m’entraîne à reconnaître à l’oral des mots transparents
à l’écrit
Je découvre le continent africain
Je me prépare à l’écoute d’un document sonore
’apprends les formes géométriques
Step 2
Exercise 6
Learn the geometrical shapes. Match each shape to the appropriate word.
Triangle Rectangle Square Circle Pentagon Hexagon
........................... ........................... ...........................
........................... ........................... ...........................
Check and correct.
Now try and memorize the various geometrical shapes Take your time!
Exercise 7
Are you ready?
Let us check.
1- Label the following shapes.
........................... ........................... ........................... ...........................
Séquence 9 séance 2
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