Séance 1 - Quomodo

Séance 1
Pays d’Amérique
Séquence 9
Localiser un pays
dans un continent :
sur une carte
Pays d’Amérique
Séance 2
Apparier un terme à Afrique
Cartes, géométrie sa définition
Émettre des
Séance 3
Résumer une
Séance 4
les propos de
Séance 5
Synthétiser des
Séance 6
Synthétiser des
Les acteurs
informations écrites du commerce
Rôle de la
Les acteurs
du commerce
— © Cned, Anglais 3e
Grammaire Lexique
Pays d’Amérique
Points cardinaux
Reproduire à
l’identique des
noms de pays
Les sons
proches : tray /
Futur (WILL) so that trade / train
transparents à
l’écrit, opaques
à l’oral
Continents, océans,
pays, villes
Repérer et
identifier les
mots clés dans un
document sonore
Styles direct et
le prétérite
be eager to+ V
be willing to+V
La voix passive
Pronoms relatifs
Enrichir des
énoncés simples
Verbes spécifiques
au commerce
prépositions :
from - to - across to
- back - on
Repérer et
identifier les
mots clés dans un
document écrit
séance 1 —
Séquence 9
Séance 1
J’apprends quelques pays d’Amérique latine
J’apprends des termes géographiques
Je situe des pays sur une carte
j’apprends quelques pays d’Amérique latine
Step 1
Test your Geography knowledge!
Let us revise South American countries.
You will have to locate the following countries of South America on a map (below).
French Guiana
First learn a few geographical terms.
Exercise 1
1- Write the names of the following directions. : ...................... West – East – North – South
2- Fill in the blanks.
a) A country which is located in the South of a continent is a ............................ country.
b)A country located in the North is a ...............................................................country.
c) A country......................................... West is a................................................country.
d)A country......................................... is...................................................................... .
3- Fill in the blanks.
The westernmost country is the country that is farthest (most distant) to the..................
The easternmost country is the country that is farthest to the..........................................
The .................................................. country is the country that is farthest to the North.
The.................................................... country is .................................................. South.
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Séquence 9 — séance 1
4- Definitions: learn new words.
- A landlocked country is a country that doesn’t border an ocean.
- Overseas (à l’étranger, outre-mer)
Exercise 2
Before reading the following indications that can help you locate the countries of South
America, listen to the names of the countries.
Repeat them several times.
Bolivia Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
Exercise 3
Read the following definitions and locate the countries of South America on a map (see
The westernmost of the two landlocked countries in South America.
The biggest country in South America.
A long, thin country in southwestern South America.
A country in the far northwest of South America.
A country in northwestern South America; the equator passes through
northern Ecuador. Ecuador borders the Pacific Ocean, is south of
Colombia, and north of Peru.
An overseas ‘départment’ of France that is located in northern South
America. It borders the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil, and Suriname.
The easternmost of the two landlocked countries in South America.
It borders the Pacific Ocean.
A small country in northern South America. It borders the Atlantic Ocean,
Brazil, Guyana, and French Guiana.
A small country in southeastern South America that is bordered by Brazil,
Argentina and the Atlantic Ocean.
Brazil Chile Colombia Ecuador French Guiana
Paraguay Peru Suriname Uruguay
Atlantic ocean
The West Indies
Caribbean sea
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séance 1 —
Séquence 9
Exercise 4
Listen to the names of the following countries in the Caribbean Islands. As soon as you hear
them, locate the countries on the map below.
Cuba Dominican republic Puerto Rico
Jamaica Barbados
Trinidad and Tobago The Bahamas
Exercise 5
When you are finished, listen to those names once again and repeat them.
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Séquence 9 — séance 2
Séance 2
J’apprends les formes géométriques
Je m’entraîne à reconnaître à l’oral des mots transparents
à l’écrit
Je découvre le continent africain
Je me prépare à l’écoute d’un document sonore
j’apprends les formes géométriques
Step 2
Exercise 6
Learn the geometrical shapes. Match each shape to the appropriate word.
Check and correct.
Now try and memorize the various geometrical shapes Take your time!
Exercise 7
Are you ready?
Let us check.
1- Label the following shapes.
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séance 2 —
Séquence 9
2- Read the following definitions and guess what shape they correspond to.
a) It is a three-sided polygon and it has got three legs:
b)It is a six-sided polygon. It is the name given to France:
c) It is an ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length:
d)It is a five-sided polygon and it is also a government building with five sides that serves
as the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense:
Step 3
Exercise 8
1- This is a map of …………………………………..................................................................... .
2- Is this a sea or an ocean? . ............................. It is called the ...........................................
3- This is the ......................................................………………………… part of this continent.
4- What countries corresponding to the red part can you think of?
Check and correct.
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Séquence 9 — séance 2
Step 4
Consider what you learnt in the previous lesson and the present one.
Note down words or ideas that come to your mind, that held your attention or that struck
Now don‘t you wonder why you were made to learn these particular words, get information
about these particular countries and why the geometrical shapes?
r No, I don’t r I think this was on purpose (exprès)
If you have ticked the box ‘on purpose’, then you need the following expressions to make
suppositions about the reason why you have learnt these particular facts and words.
I think I was asked to learn . ................................. because in the next lesson we’ll most
probably read ................................or listen to .................................................... or study
I think I was told to..................... so that in the next lesson I’ll be familiar with ...................
Can you think of anything else?
So that could be translated (tick one or several boxes):
r de sorte que
r parce que
r afin que
r tandis que
Check and correct.
Step 5
Exercise 9
Listen to the following sentences.
In each sentence, circle one of the words suggested you were able to identify.
1- train – trade – tray –
2- train – trade – tray –
3- train – trade – tray –
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séance 2 —
Séquence 9
Check and correct. Listen to your CD one more time.
If you weren’t able to identify the words, listen to the sentences again and spot the words
you had to identify.
Exercise 10
Repeat the following words, which are very close and thus are difficult to catch.
What expressions do you know with the word ‘trade’?
1- .....................................................................................................................................
2- .....................................................................................................................................
3- .....................................................................................................................................
Check and correct.
‘Trade’ is another word for commerce as in ‘fair trade’ or The World Trade Centre the Twin Towers that collapsed after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001
Now listen to the following words and repeat them:
O Rectangle – circle – triangle.
Les mots ‘rectangle’, ‘circle’ et ‘triangle’ sont transparents à l’écrit mais ils le sont beaucoup
moins à l’oral !
On dit qu’ils peuvent se révéler « opaques » à l’oral c’est-à-dire qu’ils sont difficiles à
reconnaître dans la chaîne sonore. En les répétant avant de procéder à l’écoute, tu seras
ainsi en mesure de mieux les reconnaître.
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Séquence 9 — séance 3
Séance 3
Je repère des noms de lieux
J’apprends à comprendre l’essentiel d’une interview
Step 6
Exercise 11
You are going to listen to a conversation between two people.
What they are talking about is the reason why you were told to learn names of various
countries, geographical terms and geometrical shapes.
Who are these people?
Listen to your CD once (one time) or twice (two times) if necessary.
The people are:
1- a politician and a journalist
2- a teacher and a writer
3- the curator of a museum and a journalist
Check and correct.
Step 7
Je repère les mots-clés, par thèmes.
Exercise 12
Listen to the whole dialogue and focus only on names of continents, countries, seas,
oceans and cities.
Write them down as soon as you have identified them.
1- Continents: ....................................................................................................................
2- Seas, oceans: .................................................................................................................
3- Countries: ......................................................................................................................
4- Cities: ............................................................................................................................
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séance 3 —
Séquence 9
Once you have identified the places, write them at the correct places on the maps below.
Use arrows!
Check and correct.
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Séquence 9 — séance 3
Exercise 13
1- Now listen to the recording once again and write down all the words related to the
following topics:
Commerce :
Dates  (years - centuries) :
Figures (numbers) :
Check and correct.
What geometrical shape is mentioned several times in the recording?
Give its name in English: .....................................................................................................
Check and correct.
Is it difficult for you? Listen to your CD and try and get the name of the shape mentioned.
Check and correct.
Congratulations! You have identified the word ‘triangle’.
Exercise 14
Can you label the places at the three corners? Listen to the following extract from the
Check and correct.
Exercise 15
What does ‘ triangle trade’ mean? Make hypotheses as to what it may mean.
k Express probabilities.
You can use the geometrical shape and the three names of countries you have identified.
Check and correct.
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séance 3 —
Séquence 9
Step 8
Let us focus on all the places you have probably identified in the recording.
Seas, oceans
(years –
(West) Africa – South America – the USA –– Western Europe
The Caribbean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean
England, France, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden.
London, Bristol, Liverpool, Nantes, Bordeaux, Amsterdam, Cadiz, Lisbon,
1994 – 18th century – 17th century – in the 1730s – in the 1740s 2,600,000
triangular trade, triangle trade, in exchange for, market, slave trade, to
trade with, goods
Exercise 16
Summarize what you have already understood about the recording.
I heard a conversation between...
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Séquence 9 — séance 4
Séance 4
Je sais rapporter les paroles de quelqu’un
Step 9
Read the transcript of the questions asked by the journalist with the Guardian, Tim Bakland,
in the interview about the Triangle Trade:
1- Paul Deen: So what can you tell us about the museum’s exhibition and highlights?
2- Paul Deen: What can you tell us about the European traders? Who were they?
3- Paul Deen: What part did Britain play in the triangle trade?
4- Paul Deen: What else is there to know about the triangle trade?
5- Paul Deen: Can you explain the term ‘triangle trade’ or ‘triangular trade’ for us?
6- Paul Deen: How did it all start?
Exercise 17
Fill in the blanks with the numbers of the corresponding questions.
In question 1, the journalist wanted the curator to tell him more about the museum’s
In question ........... he wanted her to tell him what else there was to know about the
triangle trade.
In question ........... the journalist wanted the curator to tell him what part Britain played in
the triangle trade.
In question ........... he wanted to know how it (the slave trade) all started.
In question ........... the journalist wanted to know who the European traders were.
In question ........... he wanted to know if the curator could explain the term ‘triangle
Check and correct.
Comment appelle-t-on la transformation qui a été effectuée dans l'exercice ci-dessus ?
Check and correct.
En effet, comme en français, lorsque l'on rapporte des paroles, on passe au style indirect.
Observe les phrases et indique (entre parenthèses) le numéro de la question dont on parle :
Observe la façon dont la transformation s’est opérée :
Paul Deen: What part did Britain play in the triangle trade?
k He wanted to know what part Britain played in the triangle trade.
Paul Deen: What else is there to know about the triangle trade?
k He wanted her to tell him what else there was to know about the triangle trade.
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séance 4 —
Séquence 9
Quelles remarques peux-tu faire ?
1- ......................................................................................................................................
2- ......................................................................................................................................
Check and correct.
j e retiens
On utilise le discours indirect (‘reported speech’) pour rapporter les paroles de
On doit veiller à la concordance des temps : quand le verbe introducteur est au passé
(ici : wanted), tous les verbes de la phrase au discours indirect sont au passé.
Paul Deen: What part did Britain play in the triangle trade?
k He wanted to know what part Britain played in the triangle trade.
Paul Deen: What else is there to know about the triangle trade?
k He wanted her to tell him what else there was to know about the triangle trade.
D’autre part, il convient de ne pas procéder à l’inversion sujet/verbe, car la phrase au
discours indirect n’est pas une question.
‘What is there to know?’ k he wanted her to tell him what else there was to know.
Exercise 18
What other questions would you have liked to ask the curator of The Slavery Museum in
Liverpool about the Triangle Trade?
1- Write them down.
2- Then imagine your questions were asked to the curator by the journalist. Turn them into
reported speech.
a) Your questions to the curator:
- .................................................................................................................................
- .................................................................................................................................
- .................................................................................................................................
- .................................................................................................................................
- .................................................................................................................................
- .................................................................................................................................
- .................................................................................................................................
b)Your questions turned into reported speech.
Start your sentences with:
- The journalist wanted the curator to tell him ..............................................................
- He wanted to know ...................................................................................................
As-tu appliqué les règles expliquées dans « Je Retiens » ?
kConcordance des temps (présent dans les questions directes k passé au discours indirect
parce que le verbe introducteur est au passé.)
kPas d’inversion sujet / verbe (ce ne sont plus des questions).
Consulte le corrigé proposé.
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Séquence 9 — séance 5
Séance 5
Je construis le sens d’un document oral
à partir des indices relevés puis traités
Je revois la forme passive
Step 10
Exercise 19
In the recording, you came across the following words (left column):
1- Match each English word with its translation.
2- Write the answers in the right column of the grid.
Metalware, iron products
armes à feu
objets en métal
Listen to the following extract from the recording and tick the objects whose names you
— © Cned, Anglais 3e
séance 5 —
Séquence 9
Exercise 20
Listen to the following extract and fill in the boxes.
Then listen to another extract and fill in the boxes that remained empty.
Answer the question:
What did the following people expect from the Triangle Trade?
Europeans wanted:
Americans wanted:
African chiefs wanted:
Exercise 21
Now recap what you understood and say who bought what and who sold what.
1- bought ................................................. and
sold ...............................................................................................................................
2- bought ................................................. and
sold ...............................................................................................................................
3- bought . ................................................................................................................... and
sold ...............................................................................................................................
Check and correct.
Step 11
Read the following sentence again.
African kings bought guns from Europeans.
You can also say: African kings were eager to buy guns from Europeans.
Meaning: They were very much interested in buying guns.
Translate the sentence African kings were eager to buy guns from Europeans into French:
Translate the sentence Europeans were willing to sell guns to African kings into French:
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Séquence 9 — séance 5
Tu viens de voir comment on peut enrichir des énoncés simples.
kAfrican kings bought guns from Europeans est devenu African kings were eager to buy
guns from Europeans.
Tu as enrichi le verbe ‘buy’ en insistant sur le fait que des rois africains cherchaient à tout
prix à acquérir des armes (pour asseoir leur pouvoir dans leur propre pays). Retiens cette
expression : to be eager to do something (être avide de faire quelque chose)
kEuropeans sold guns to African kings est devenu Europeans were willing to sell guns to
African kings.
Dans cette phrase, tu as enrichi le verbe ‘sell en insistant cette fois sur le fait que les
Européens étaient bien disposés/prêts à vendre des armes aux rois africains.
Retiens cette expression : to be willing to do something (être disposé / prêt à faire quelque
Exercise 22
1- Complete the following sentences:
The ........................ bought the slaves from ..................... in exchange for . ....................
Give more examples and write them down:
2- Who were those ‘slaves’? Can you give a definition?
Slaves were people who ……………… by …………………… in exchange for . ........................
Check and correct.
Aren’t you a little surprised by the fact that African slaves were sold by their own people to
Europeans and Americans? (N'es-tu pas un peu surpris(e) par le fait que les esclaves africains
étaient vendus par leur propre peuple aux américains et européens ?)
You are? Listen carefully to the following sentence, taken from the dialogue.
Exercise 23
1- Listen to the following extract from the dialogue and answer the question:
Why did some African people become slaves and why were they sold by their chiefs to
American and European traders?
˛ Tick one box.
r Some people were born slaves.
r Under African law, people who committed crimes were sentenced to slavery.
r They were not really slaves. They agreed to be sold as slaves.
2- Listen to the sentence once again:
Try and pick out one word that justifies your answer (the most important word).
Write it down: ................................................................................................................
Check and correct.
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séance 5 —
Séquence 9
3- Now listen to another extract and complete the sentence below.
Liverpool was a................................... port where .......................................... were built,
with a considerable ................................. trade with ship ..............................................
and ship ........................................................................................................................
Check and correct.
Observe attentivement les phrases :
A-Slaves were people who were sold by African kings in exchange for guns.
B- Liverpool was a slave port where ships were built.
1- Quelle est la nature des mots en gras ?............................................................................
Nomme l'antécédent pour chaque phrase :
2- Observe les formes verbales soulignées.
a) African kings sold slaves in exchange for guns.
b)Slaves were sold by African kings in exchange for guns.
Quelle différence fais-tu entre les 2 phrases ?
Dans la phrase a), ........................................................................  sont mis en valeur.
Dans la phrase b), ........................................................................ sont mis en valeur.
Dans le contexte du dialogue sur le commerce triangulaire, trouves-tu logique que la
phrase b) ait été prononcée plutôt que la phrase a) ? r oui
r non
Si oui, pour quelle raison selon toi ?
Reconnais-tu cette forme : ‘were sold’ ? r oui, il s’agit d’un(e) ...................................
Dans la phrase B : Liverpool was a slave port where ships were built.
Y a-t-il une forme passive ? r oui
Si oui inscris-la ici : ....................................................................................................
Pour terminer, traduis en français les deux phrases
A- .............................................................................................................................
B- .............................................................................................................................
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Séquence 9 — séance 6
Séance 6
J’apprends à synthétiser des informations écrites
Step 12
Exercise 24
1- Play the recording again and read the transcript of the dialogue you have been working
on at the same time. (Réécoute le dialogue en entier qui correspond à l’exercice 12 sur ton
2- Then, concentrate on the paragraphs in blue. Underline the verbs corresponding to the
goods bought/sold by the triangle traders.
3- Write them down in the relevant arrows.
M.H.: In 1994, National Museums Liverpool opened the Transatlantic Slavery Gallery,
the first of its kind in the world. Our aim was to look at the deep impact
of slavery and the slave trade on Africa, South America and the Caribbean
(Suriname, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Brazil and Jamaica),
the USA and Western Europe.
Paul Deen: So what can you tell us about the museum’s exhibition?
M.H.: The Slavery Museum has three main galleries on the following themes: Life in
West Africa - Enslavement and the Middle Passage and Legacies of slavery
Paul Deen: Can you explain the term ‘triangle trade’ or ‘triangular trade’ for us? How did it
all start?
M.H.: Well, from trading with the Africans, Europeans knew that slavery was used as
a punishment for serious crimes in Africa. They began to ask for slaves, rather
than African goods, in exchange for the guns and alcohol that the African chiefs
wanted. Guns, swords, beads, metalware, iron products, rum, yes, those sorts
of things. The African chiefs agreed and so the Triangular Trade was developed.
Paul Deen: What part did Britain play in the triangle trade?
M.H.: Britain was a major player in the transatlantic slave trade.  Yes, Britain realized
there was a market out there in Africa. British ships carried 2,600,000 enslaved
Africans in the 18th century to the Caribbean and the Americas. London was
the leading British slaving port in the 17th century. Then Bristol overtook
London in the 1730s, and Liverpool overtook Bristol in the 1740s. So, Liverpool
from that point of view became a major slaving port.
Paul Deen: What else is there to know about the triangle trade ?
M.H.: Liverpool had a lot of shipbuilders, shipowners and they all benefited from
the slave trade. So goods left Liverpool, all the things they needed to trade
with African kings left Liverpool. And when it got to Africa, it offloaded those
goods for trading and took on the slaves, and then made their journey to the
Caribbean. Which then offloaded the slaves, and took on all the sugar, tea,
coffee, tobacco, cotton, rum, and then brought it back to places like Bristol
and Liverpool and London. The ships followed a route from England to Africa,
from Africa to the Americas and back to Europe. The route formed a triangle
with three legs.
Paul Deen: What can you tell us about the European traders? Who were they?
— © Cned, Anglais 3e
séance 6 —
M.H.: Séquence 9
Well…. The main European nations involved in slaving were Portugal, Spain,
Britain, France, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden. The main British ports
that were involved in the slave trade were as I said Liverpool, London, Bristol
and the other European ports were Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bordeaux, Cadiz,
Lisbon and Nantes.
Goods that were needed to trade with African kings ......................... k Liverpool.
The British ships......................... k those goods for trading when they got to
Africa and......................... k the slaves.
Then the ships......................... k to the Caribbean.
They......................... k the slaves there and......................... k all the sugar, tea, coffee,
tobacco, cotton, rum.
British ships ......................... k 2,600,000 enslaved Africans in the 18th century to the
Caribbean and the Americas. 
The ships ......................... k those goods back to Liverpool or Bristol.
Check and correct.
Exercise 25
Write down the verbs you have identified in the previous exercise.
Then match them to the appropriate translation.
1- .....................................................................................................................................
2- .....................................................................................................................................
3- .....................................................................................................................................
4- .....................................................................................................................................
5- .....................................................................................................................................
6- .....................................................................................................................................
7- .....................................................................................................................................
Exercise 26
Now recap what the slave trade was.
1- Complete the following text with the appropriate prepositions:
from to across to back on
The ships left Bristol and sailed …………… Africa. The British bought slaves ……………
the king, then sailed …………… the Caribbean. There they offloaded the slaves, took
…………… sugar, tea, coffee, tobacco, cotton and rum and went …………… to Liverpool
or Bristol.
2- Complete with the appropriate passive forms.
Slaves …………………….. for beads and guns, then ………………….. across the Atlantic to
the plantations and …………………….. by the planters.
Sugar and cotton …………………….. to Liverpool or Bristol.
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