[1] Alg`ebre discr`ete et codes correcteurs, O. Papini et J. Wolfmann,
Math´ematiques et Applications, Collection de la SMAI, Springer-Verlag
[2] Exercices sur les Codes Correcteurs, A. Poli, Collection logique
math´ematique et informatique, Masson.
[3] The Theory of Error Correcting Codes, F.J. Macwilliams, N.J.A. Sloane,
North-Holland 1986 (derni`ere ´edition).
[4] Cours de cryptographie, Gilles Zemor, Editions Cassini
[5] Introduction aux m´ethodes de la cryptographie, Brassart, Beckett
[6] Boolean Functions for Cryptography and Error Correcting Codes.
C. Carlet. Chapter of the monography Boolean Methods and
Models, Y. Crama and P. Hammer eds, Cambridge University
Press, to appear. Preliminary version available at http://www-
[7] Vectorial (multi-output) Boolean Functions for Cryptography. C. Car-
let. Chapter of the monography Boolean Methods and Models,
Y. Crama and P. Hammer eds, Cambridge University Press,
to appear soon. Preliminary version available at http://www-
[8] Handbook of applied cryptography, Menesez, Van Oorschott. Disponible
sur le web `a l’URL http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac
[9] Cryptographie th´eorie et pratique Douglas Stinson. International Thom-
son Publishing France (1996)
[10] The codebreakers, David Kahn