[2014] "Michal Kalecki: An Intellectual Biography: Volume I, Rendez-vous in
Cambridge 1899-1939" by Jan Toporowski, Journal of Economic Literature, 52 (2): 538-
[2013]. David GRAEBER, Debt The first 5,000 years, Melville House, New York,
2011, Revue Française de Socio-Économie 2013/2 n° 12, pp. 251-54.
[2012]. Commentaires de la Théorie générale de Keynes a sa parution (Very first
reviews of Keynes’s General Theory), Ramon Tortajada, Presses Universitaires du
Septentrion, 2009, Cahiers d’économie politique (Papers in Political Economy), Vol 1 n° 62,
pp. 277-84.
[2007]. Keynes et ses combats (Keynes and his fights), Gilles Dostaler, Bibliothèque Albin
Michel Histoire, 2005, Economies et sociétés, 2007, pp. 1815-1821.
(e) Selected works in progress
Overlapping Generations Models (O.L.G.) and the Transformation of
Macroeconomics in the 1980s (with Pedro Duarte)
Walking a tight rope: growth economics and Neoclassical synthesis (with Muriel
Dal-Pont and Sonia Manseri)
[2015]. (In)-stability in Kalecki’s early macroeconomics (with P. Fourchard, A. Dutt
and A. Pottier) submitted in november 2015 to the Journal of the History of Economic
Review of Michel De Vroey’s “A History of Macroeconomics from Keynes to
Lucas and Beyond” (2015), Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics.
9. Presentations at Conferences and Invited Seminars
(a) Invited Conferences (selection)
[2016] Overlapping Generations Models (O.L.G.) and the Transformation of
Macroeconomics in the 1980s (with Pedro Duarte) workshop (conférence
Macroeconomics in Perspective" Université de Lille.
[2014] The rise of growth economics and the neoclassical synthesis. 2nd Great
colloquium of PhD students in Economics in Mexico, School of Economics of the
National Polythecnic Institute in Mexico City. Mexico
[2014] Out of the path: expectations in early long-run growth models, "History,
Methods and Theory - Rethinking Expectations », Université de Nice (with Muriel
[2014] Solow’s struggle with medium run Macroeconomics, 3ème atelier de
recherche Université de Paris 1- Université du Caire.
[2014] Kalecki’s theories of the business cycle: a simplified treatment, (en
collaboration avec Amitava Dutt). Tourtour, Juin 2014, conference « Business
cycles and Economic Growth », Fondation des Treilles.
[2012] Irving Fisher’s debt deflation analysis: from the purchasing power of money
(1911) to the debt-deflation theory of great depression (1933), Lyon, October 15-16
2011, Conference « The Purchasing Power of Money of I. Fisher». 3ème atelier de
recherche l’Université de Paris 1- Université du Caire
[2011] Stability and Instability of Lange’s 1938 Keynesian Model, Tourtour,
Septembre 12-17 2011, conference “Crises, cycles et politiques économiques”,
Fondation des Treilles.