Second International Winter School
Innovation and Mountain territories
27-29 January 2016 Grenoble area
Call for papers
Support innovation by promoting the work of young and future
The project Labex ITEM, Innovation and Mountain Territories, aims at developing an
interdisciplinarity in Human and Social Sciences (geography, economy, history, tourism, law,
political sciences, marketing, management of natural environments, sports) to respond to
current and emerging challenges/issues of mountain territories. It is a collective project
initiated by various laboratories and research teams of the University of Grenoble-Alpes
(LARHRA, EDYTEM, DTM-IRSTEA, PACTE, SENS, CERJ, IREGE ) along with some federative
structures as the PARN, MSH-Alpes and the "Institut de la Montagne".
The International Winter School aims at promoting innovation in research, to share crossed
methodological approaches and combine theory and practice, and to highlight the works of
young and future researchers.
This call for paper is particularly aimed to Master 2 students (or equivalent) and for young
researchers: PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, young and future researchers (temporaries,
newly recruited lecturers and researchers).
The school will encompass a wide range of subjects related to innovation and mountain
territories’ mutations through social and spatial dynamics. It will give priority to contributions
dedicated to innovation from an epistemological, methodological or research’s practices
point of view (interdisciplinary, co- construction).
During this University, students and young researchers will present their research papers in
the morning. Faculty members and researchers from the LabEx or its scientific committee will
lead these sessions.
In the afternoon speakers will participate in various workshops on themes specific to LabEx
(interdisciplinary, actors relationships etc.) will take place and they will be concluded by a
lecture of a professor (partner units or visiting professors) on the same theme.
Several activities will be organized in the evening: collective meal, projections, nightlife
(depending on location)?
Submittal details
Articles are expected for October 2015 in one of the alpine language or in English.