DUBOIS Mickaël
7 rue du disque
75013 PARIS
Phone : 01 45 85 83 07 ou 06 63 07 54 90
Email : mikachu@free.fr
Home page : http://mapage.noos.fr/duboism/
Born on 4/24/1982, 23 years old
Single, French
Driving licence
Availabilty in April for a work placement
2006 Master 2nd year Statistical and Data processing Engineering of Finance,
Insurance and Risk (Université Paris VII – JUSSIEU)
2005 Master 1st year Statistical and Data processing Engineering of Finance,
Insurance and Risk - Distinction : Good (Université Paris VII – JUSSIEU)
Courses : Financial maths, software engineering, law, financial products,
performances analysis and simulation, databases, economical dynamics,
insurance, statistics, data analysis, graphical interfaces.
Oracle projects databases for investigations, JAVA project of graphical
2004 Licence of Informatics (Université Paris VI – JUSSIEU)
Courses : Databases, networks, Microeconomics, System, Programming.
projects of algoritmic, compilation, networks, system and databases
2003 DEUG 2nd year Mathematics and Informatics Applied to the Sciences
(Université Paris VI – JUSSIEU)
Courses : Discrete mathematics (for data processing), data processing, JAVA
project, Physics:Waves.
2002 DEUG 1st year Mathematics and Informatics Applied to the Sciences –
Distinction : Pretty good(Université Paris VI – JUSSIEU)
june - july 2005 In charge of the supervision of statistics surveys
National Federation of Public Works, Paris
On the basis of surveys' returns, installation of statistical methods to bring up
important informations on the evolution of public works
july – august 2004 Technician trainee within the IT-support
Motorola, Saclay
Participation in the respect of the quality indicators, the maintenance of the
dataprocessing park, installation of the Wi-Fi network, monitoring and
administration of the network and the PBX within the IT-support
English : fluent
German : school level
SAS, SAS, R, Java, C, Oracle, SQL, C++, VisualBasic, HTML, XML, Unix, the
Microsoft pack Office, Mapple, MuPAD, Amadea
Pratique de différents sports, notamment à l’association sportive de l’université