The Social Economy and immigrants

Économie sociale et personnes issues
de l’immigration
The Social Economy and
Un projet de recherche partenariale
A Community-University Research
Conférence Métropolis 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
Plan de la présentation/Agenda
» Les origines de la démarche/background
» La démarche du Chantier de l’économie sociale/initiative
of the Chantier
» Un plan d’action sur trois en 4 axes/Action plan with four
goals in three years
» Des principes de la recherche partenariale à l’ARUC et au
Réseau/ Research Partnership principles
» Axe 1 : la réalisation des portraits/mapping
» Suites et conclusion/follow up and summary
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
Origine de la démarche
 Sommet de l’économie sociale et solidaire 2006
• 800 acteurs and partners of the Social Economy gathered
in Montréal to reflect on the last ten years and to establish a
common vision for the next 10 years.
• Noticed: few immigrants or members of ethno-cultural
communities in the collective enterprises or in the Social
Economy organizations or movements.
• Action Plan developed:
– Support the participation of a larger number of persons from
cultural communities in Social Economy Organizations;
– Establish close working partnership with the networks of who
represent immigrants/refugees and cultural communities.
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
La démarche du Chantier de l’économie sociale
Le Chantier de l’économie sociale included this issue in their action plan and made it
a priority in their activities.
Implementation of a committee composed of a number of community partners,
government ministries, and persons working with immigrants:
Ministère de l’Immigration et des communautés culturelles
Ministère des Affaires municipale, des Régions et de l’0ccupation du Territoire
Conseil des relations interculturelles
Ville de Montréal
Compagnie F, entreprise de soutien au développement de l’entrepreneuriat féminin
Petites Mains, entreprise d’insertion axée sur l’intégration des femmes immigrantes
L’Hirondelle, organisme communautaire d’accueil des immigrants
Corporation de développement économique et communautaire de Sherbrooke
Corporation de développement économique et communautaire Côte-des-Neiges/Notre-DameGrâce (Montréal)
– CSMO -ESAC : Comité sectoriel de la main d’œuvre - Économie Sociale/Action communautaire
– l'Alliance de recherche universités-communautés en économie sociale (ARUC-ES)
– Réseau québécois de recherche partenariale en économie sociale (RQRP-ÉS)
– Caisse d’économie solidaire Desjardins
– Entrepreneurs collectifs issus de l’immigration
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
4 goals
Axe 1 Portrait of the current
To have a better knowledge about the participation of
immigrants in the Social Economy in terms of employement,
governance and volunteer activities
Axe 2 : Development of tools
to help with the promotion
and to support the
development of projects.
To have a strategy to promote and inform immigrants about
the Social Economy.
To have a strategy to promote and inform about the Social
Economy people who work with immigrants such as settlement
To provide appropriate support to those who are leading
Social Economy projects for immigrants
Axe 3 : Encouraging
diversity practices in the
management of Social
Economy Organizations.
 Promote the hiring of immigrants by Social Economy
Develop diversity management practices in Social Economy
Axe 4 Supporting regional
development of Social
Economy Organizations
Integrate Social Economy initiatives in regional strategies to
integrate and welcome immigrants.
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
Research partnership principles between ARUC and the Chantier.
• Process of partnership research: not just about the
actual research but a partnership at each stage of the
research ( 5 stages: from the research question at the
begining (1) to the final evaluation (5) through the
methodology (3) and the knowledge mobilization (4).
• 2 papers available for downloading in English and
French on the CSERP website
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
L’Axe 1 Mapping :specific goals
• A number of research papers available (ex : au LAREPPS de
l’UQAM et au RQRP de Montréal: les retombées de l’action
communautaire en milieu multiethnique à Montréal +
l’entrepreneuriat en économie sociale = > rèf.Cahier du LAREPPS
d’avril 2008).
Important points:
• Few entrepreneurs from cultural communities;
• Depends on the sector usually begin path as employee or
• Cultural communities are not well represented in Social
Economy networks
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
L’Axe 1 sur la recherche : ses buts spécifiques (suite)
Need supplementary research
Results :
Little data available on the number of immigrants in the Social
Few clear answers on where are the immigrants and how they are
involved in the Social Economy.
Since October 2008, the work has began
Économie sociale et Personnes issues de l’immigration
• Short and long term goals
• « Communication » between each of the 4 goals of the action plan
of the Chantier
• « Communication »with the researchers who know the cultural
communities (Metropolis)