Personal Details
Address: 70, allée de la clairière
91190 Gif sur Yvette France
Telephone: +33 (0)6 84 60 84 81
Nationality: French
Marital Status: Married, 3 children
Date of birth: 21
November 1969
Specialist in sport marketing (sponsorship, management of sport
events, public policies and sport, methodology and surveys).
Academic and consultant.
Editor of the International Journal of Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
Ranked 1
academic journal in sport marketing and 3rd journal in sport
management worldwide
Career Summary
2009 – 2015: Professor auxiliary at the University of Ottawa (Canada)
2007-present: Full Professor, University Paris South, Paris (France)
2005-2007 Full Professor, University Marc Bloch, Strasbourg (France)
1999-2005: Associate professor, University Paris Sud-11 (France)
1994-1998 Lecturer, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg (France)
Habilitation, Management Sciences, with High Honors, University of Paris-
Assas Panthéon-Sorbonne, France, 2003.
Subject : "Sport marketing : products, services, events"
Advisor : Professor Patrick Hetzel
Ph.D. Management Sciences, with High Honors, University Louis Pasteur,
Strasbourg (France), 1998.
Subject : "The diffusion of Innovations in sport industry"
Advisor : Professor Gilles Lambert
B.A. Management Sciences, with High Honors, University of Paris IX-
Dauphine, 1992
Experiences abroad (conferences and lectures)
2006: keynote speaker at the Sport Marketing Association Conference in
Denver (Colorado, USA)
Developing marketing partnerships
2007 and 2010: invited professor at the Université Laval (Québec, Canada)
French (and European) specificities of sport marketing vs. an American
Sport sponsorship: toward a more mature system?
Sport sponsorship: state of the art and tendencies.
2007: keynote speaker at the Conference of the Portuguese Association of
Sport Management (Porto, Portugal)
European specificities of sport marketing vs. an Anglo-Saxon vision?
Sport marketing and globalization : the example of football in Europe,
America and Asia
2007 and 2008: invited professor at the UIBE (University of International
Business and Economics in Beijing (China)
General marketing
2008 and 2009: invited professor at the EVTEK Institute of Technology
(Helsinki, Finland)
Sport marketing and ethics.
2009 and 2010: invited professor at the University of San Sebastian (Spain)
Sport marketing
2009 and 2010: invited professor at the University of Moscow (Russia)
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Sponsorship and Olympic Games
Marketing and football
2009: keynote speaker at the LBS Conference in St-Petersburg (Russia)
Sport marketing in Europe and in the US
2009: invited professor at Corvinus University (Hungary)
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
2010: invited professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Sponsorship and Olympic Games
Marketing and football
2010: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
the University of South Carolina, VA (USA)
European governance of sport
Regulation and sport economics
Sport marketing in the European and US context
2011: invited professor at the University of Adelaide (Australia)
Topics (MBA level):
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Sponsorship and Olympic Games
Marketing and football
Management of sport events
2011: keynote speaker at the Korean Association of Marketing Science
(KAMS) in Seoul (South Korea)
Topics: Sport marketing.
2011: invited professor at the Yonsei University (South Korea)
Marketing and football
2011: invited professor at the School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-
sen University, Guangzhou (China)
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Sponsorship and Olympic Games
Marketing and football
2011: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
Virginia Commonwealth University, VA (USA)
European governance of sport
Regulation and sport economics
Sport marketing in the European and US context
2011: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
Suny Cortland University, NY (USA)
European governance of sport
Regulation and sport economics
Sport marketing in the European and US context
2012: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
the University of Tampa, FL (USA)
European governance of sport
Regulation and sport economics
Sport marketing in the European and US context
2012: keynote speaker during the European sport management seminar of
Emory & Henry College, VA (USA)
European governance of sport
Regulation and sport economics
Sport marketing in the European and US context
2012: invited professor at Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Sponsorship and Olympic Games
2012: invited professor at the School of Economics and Management
Shanghai University of Sport (China)
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Marketing and football
2012: keynote speaker for the MSc in Sports and Outdoor Industry
Management, EM Lyon (China/France)
Introduction to sport business
The economic impact of sport events
2013: keynote speaker for the MSc in Sports and Outdoor Industry
Management, EM Lyon (China/France)
Branding and the globalization of sport
The management of sport events
2013: invited professor at the School of Economics and Management
Shanghai University of Sport (China)
Sport marketing.
Sport sponsorship
Marketing and football
2014 : invited professor at the University of Georgia (USA)
2014 : inivted professor at the University of Beyrouth (Lebanon)
Refereed Journal Articles
1. Desbordes, M. (1998). Management de l’innovation dans l’industrie du
sport : variations autour du cas Salomon. Annales des Mines - Gérer et
Comprendre, 53, 14-25.
2. Desbordes, M. (1998). Facteurs clés de succès dans le management et la
diffusion d’une innovation : analyse de cinq cas dans l’industrie du sport.
International Journal of Design and Innovation Research, 1, 35-52.
3. Desbordes, M. (2000). Cycle de vie du produit et comportements
technologiques des firmes : analyses sectorielles dans l’industrie du sport.
Revue STAPS, 51, 107-120.
4. Desbordes, M.(2000). La stratégie marketing de Lacoste. Revue de la
Société Française de Management du Sport, 1, 1-5.
5. Desbordes, M. (2000). Choix du consommateur sportif et stratégie des
firmes : le rôle de la technologie. Revue Européenne de Management du
Sport, 4, 1-36.
6. Desbordes, M. (2001). Le marketing technologique dans l'industrie du
sport ou la nécessité de gérer une double complexité des produits. Revue
Gestion (Canada), vol. 26, 2, 27-36.
7. Desbordes, M. (2001). Innovation management in the sports industry:
lessons from the Salomon case. European Sport Management Quarterly,
vol.1, 2, 124-149 .
8. Desbordes, M.(2002). Empirical analysis of the Innovation Phenomena in
the Sports Industry. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, vol.14,
4, 481-499.
9. Desbordes, M. (2002). Interview with Jean-François Richard, Director of
Marketing, Tour de France. International Journal of Sports Marketing and
Sponsorship, vol. 4, n°3, 193-203.
10. Desbordes, M. (2002). Etudes de cas : comment manager efficacement
une innovation dans l’industrie du sport ? Management & Conjoncture
Sociale, automne 2002, n°616, 83-89.
11. Desbordes, M. (2002). Managing sport events. European Sport
Management Quarterly, vol.2, 1, 72-73.
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